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There are any number of problems which have those symptoms. The range from harmless and self-solving to potentially lethal. Go and see a qualified doctor as soon as possible.

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Q: What is wrong with me if I have had a bad headache and upset stomach off and on for the past three days but no fever and I live in Africa?
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What were the three plague symptoms?

There were three different types of plague, bubonic, pneumonic and septicemic. The main symptoms were headache, nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea and difficulty breathing.

Describe at least 3 symptoms of the Plague?

Three symptoms of the 14th century plague include high fever, chills, and headache. The bubonic plague is rare in the year 2014, but an estimated 1,000-3,000 people still get it each year.

What are the symptoms of rebella?

It is actually spelled 'rubella.' Early symptoms of rubella include a mild fever, swollen lymph glands, tiredness, muscle and body aches, headache, and watery, red eyes. The rubella rash usually lasts about three days and is known as "three day measles."

What is a common disease in Africa?

According to the South African Medical Research Council, the top three transmittable diseases leading to mortality in South Africa are HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and lower respiratory infections. The top three diseases across the entire African continent, according to the Africa Health Blog, are lower respiratory infections, HIV/AIDS, and malaria.

How does yellow fever get to the body?

im wondering exactly what you mean. its transmitted mostly by mosquitoes. symptoms occur about three days after being infected. Initial symptoms include fever and chills, severe headache, back pain, general muscle aches, nausea, fatigue, and weakness. This phase may be followed by a short period of symptom remission.

List of songs with fever in the title?

Boogie Fever by The Sylvers, the old jazz standard Fever, and Redbird Fever by Gretchen Wilson are three popular songs with "fever" in the title.

What is the other name of dengue?

dengue is otherwise known as Three- day fever, Break bone fever and dandy fever.

Can you eat spinach after typhoid fever?

Spinach is to be avoided for three weeks after typhoid fever.

What features do lions have when they are born?

Lion cubs have spots on a grayish coat until the age of three months, spots may remain on stomach especially in East Africa.

How many chambers in a hippo's stomach?

The stomach of the Hippo has three chambers, but is non-ruminating.

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What are the symptoms of the stomach flu?

The symptoms of the stomach flu are fever, chills, diarrhea, intestinal pain or cramps, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, malaise and sometimes dizziness or fainting.You most of the time get the stomach flu with-en a few hours, unlike a cold that takes 1-2 days. the symptoms are...Fever of over 100 (main symptom)Cramps and or burning/hurt pain in the stomachDiarrhea and sometimes throwing upBurpy-gaging feeling and sick to your stomachHope this helps! And if you think you're sick, hope you feel better soon!