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you can use a drawing different cultures working as 1

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Q: What kind of drawing can you use for unity and diversity of life?
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What is the molecule that's responsible for unity and diversity of life?

DNA is the molecule that is responsible for unity and diversity of life .

Biologists study What?

The unity and diversity of all life.

What does it mean that there is both unity and diversity of life?

EvolutionIn biology the diversity and unity of life simply means that all living things came from ONE organism, so we are all alike but different. Then the diversity because even though we have come from the same organism but from a different branch of the tree of life.

The branch of biology that explains both the diversity and unity of life?

The branch of biology that explains both the diversity and the unity of life is called evolution. It refers to the process by which different kinds of living organisms developed and diversified from earlier forms.

What does mean unity in biology?

I assume you mean "unity in diversity"? All forms of life have common unifying features yet are amazingly diverse. Both of these facts are a result of our DNA . Similarities exists when common ancestors are recent, diversity occurs when genetics and environment interact and natural selection occurs. Adaptations are features that make an organism particularly well suited to its environment. Unity in the diversity - DNA is the common language of life. Humans have about 50% of the genes found in a banana; 99 % in a chimp. Evolution is "descent with modification", according to Darwin, accounting for Unity and Diversity.

How does the tree of life explain both the unity and diversity of life?

The tree of life would show unity due to the fact that all modern life probably originated from common ancestors (the further back you go, the more closely related we are), while the diversity is shown by the fact that while we are all related, life has branched off in very radical ways over the millenia.

What did Darwin's theory of biological evolution explain?

It explains the species problem; how the rich unity and diversity of life evolved on the earth.

How can evolution both the unity and diversity of life?

Simple. All of the millions of different life forms (the diversity of life) have come about by natural selection, whereby random mutations in the genes have either succeeded or failed. But all life can be traced back to a common single-celled origin. Thus we have the unity of life where we (possibly) share more than 50 % of our DNA with a organs,homologous organs

What does is mean that there is both unity and diversity in life?

all organisms have similarities and differences of characteristic, features, environment, or any other things.

How does the Tree of life help explain both the unity and diversity of life?

The tree of life would show unity due to the fact that all modern life probably originated from common ancestors (the further back you go, the more closely related we are), while the diversity is shown by the fact that while we are all related, life has branched off in very radical ways over the millenia.

What kind of land has the largest diversity of animals and plant life?


The core idea that makes sense of the unity and all the diversity of life is?

The theory that accounts for the differences that divide and the unity that joins all living things is the