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Depends on multiple factors, amperage, the person and their eyesight, toleration to light. I would suggest you start at shade 10 and work downwards with shade 7 being as low as you go.

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How to program a man walking using java code?

Source code: 001#include<graphics.h> 002using namespace std; 003 004int main() 005{ 006 int gd=DETECT, gm; 007 initgraph(&gd, &gm,NULL); 008 int i,walk=0; 009 010 setcolor(BROWN); 011 bar3d(10,280,getmaxx()-50,320,10,50); 012 outtextxy(200,300,""); 013 014 setcolor(WHITE); 015 circle(70,140,30); 016 circle(60,130,3); 017 circle(80,130,3); 018 line(70,135,70,145); 019 //line(65,155,75,155); 020 arc(70,140,60,120,15); 021 022 line(70,170,70,220); 023 line(70,170,50,220); 024 line(70,170,90,220); 025 line(70,220,55,270); 026 line(70,220,85,270); 027 028 setcolor(9); 029 fillellipse(150,100,60,40); 030 outtextxy(110,90,"hi," ); 031 outtextxy(110,100,"go for a walk?"); 032 033 delay(5000); 034 035 for(i=0;i<30;i++) 036 { 037 038 /* 039 cleardevice(); 040 walk+=5; 041 bar3d(10,280,getmaxx()-50,320,10,50); 042 circle(70+walk,140,30); 043 line(70+walk,170,70+walk,220); 044 line(70+walk,170,40+walk,220); 045 line(70+walk,170,100+walk,220); 046 line(70+walk,220,30+walk,270); 047 line(70+walk,220,110+walk,270); 048 delay(500);*/ 049 050 walk+=5; 051 052 cleardevice(); 053 054 setcolor(BROWN); 055 bar3d(10,280,getmaxx()-50,320,10,50); 056 outtextxy(200,300,""); 057 058 setcolor(WHITE); 059 circle(70+walk,140,30); 060 line(70+walk,170,70+walk,220); 061 line(70+walk,170,50+walk,220); 062 line(70+walk,170,90+walk,220); 063 line(70+walk,220,55+walk,270); 064 line(70+walk,220,85+walk,270); 065 066 delay(250); 067 068 walk+=5; 069 070 cleardevice(); 071 072 circle(70+walk,140,30); 073 line(70+walk,170,70+walk,270); 074 075 setcolor(BROWN); 076 bar3d(10,280,getmaxx()-50,320,10,50); 077 outtextxy(200,300,""); 078 079 delay(250); 080 081 walk+=5; 082 083 cleardevice(); 084 085 bar3d(10,280,getmaxx()-50,320,10,50); 086 outtextxy(200,300,""); 087 088 setcolor(WHITE); 089 circle(70+walk,140,30); 090 line(70+walk,170,70+walk,220); 091 line(70+walk,170,60+walk,220); 092 line(70+walk,170,80+walk,220); 093 line(70+walk,220,55+walk,270); 094 line(70+walk,220,85+walk,270); 095 096 delay(250); 097 098 } 099 100 circle(60+walk,130,3); 101 circle(80+walk,130,3); 102 line(70+walk,135,70+walk,145); 103 line(65+walk,155,75+walk,155); 104 //arc(70,140,60,120,15); 105 106 setcolor(8); 107 fillellipse(walk-10,100,60,40); 108 outtextxy(walk-30,100,"lonely..."); 109 110 delay(2500); 111 112 getch(); 113 closegraph(); 114 return 0; 115}

Write A program to add and multiply two very large numbers using doubly linked list?

class Node 002 { 003 private: 004 int data; 005 006 public: 007 friend class List; 008 friend class stack; 009 010 Node* next; 011 012 Node(){data = 0;} 013 014 Node(int x) 015 { 016 next = 0; 017 setdata(x); 018 } 019 020 int getdata() 021 { 022 return data; 023 } 024 025 void setdata(int x) 026 { 027 data = x; 028 } 029 030 void print() 031 { 032 cout<<data; 033 } 034 035 ~Node(){} 036 }; 037 038 class List 039 { 040 private: 041 Node* Head; 042 Node* Tail; 043 044 public: 045 046 friend class stack; 047 List(){Head = 0; Tail = 0;} 048 049 void addnode(int x) 050 { 051 Node *current = new Node(x); 052 053 if(Head 0) 197 { 198 return true; 199 } 200 else 201 { 202 return false; 203 } 204 } 205 206 Node* topEl() 207 { 208 return (; 209 } 210 211 void printstack() 212 { 213 L.printlist(); 214 } 215 216 ~stack() 217 { 218 L.deletelist(); 219 } 220 221 }; 222 223 int main() 224 { 225 stack operand1; 226 stack operand2; 227 stack carry; 228 stack result; 229 int tempsum; 230 int a,b,c; 231 int carry1; 232 Node *n1 = NULL; 233 Node *n2 = NULL; 234 Node *n3 = NULL; 235 236 operand1.push(3); 237 operand1.push(8); 238 operand1.push(0); 239 operand2.push(5); 240 operand2.push(3); 241 operand2.push(5); 242 243 244 245 while(!(operand1.isEmpty()) && !(operand2.isEmpty())) 246 { 247 n1 = operand1.topEl(); 248 a = n1->getdata(); 249 n2 = operand2.topEl(); 250 b = n2->getdata(); 251 tempsum = a + b; 252 253 if(tempsum > 9) 254 { 255 c = 0; 256 if(!(carry.isEmpty())) 257 { 258 n3 = carry.topEl(); 259 c = n3->getdata(); 260 carry.pop(); 261 } 262 carry1 = tempsum / 10; 263 tempsum = tempsum % 10; 264 carry.push(carry1); 265 result.push(tempsum + c); 266 } 267 else 268 { 269 if(!(carry.isEmpty())) 270 { 271 n3 = carry.topEl(); 272 c = n3->getdata(); 273 result.push(tempsum + c); 274 carry.pop(); 275 } 276 else 277 { 278 result.push(tempsum); 279 } 280 } 281 operand1.pop(); 282 operand2.pop(); 283 } 284 285 n1 = operand1.topEl(); 286 a = n1->getdata(); 287 n2 = operand2.topEl(); 288 b = n2->getdata(); 289 tempsum = a + b; 290 if(carry.isEmpty()) 291 { 292 result.push(tempsum); 293 } 294 else 295 { 296 n3 = carry.topEl(); 297 c = n3->getdata(); 298 result.push(tempsum + c); 299 carry.pop(); 300 } 301 operand1.pop(); 302 operand2.pop(); 303 304 result.printstack(); 305 306 system("pause"); 307 return 0; 308 }

How do you write an algorithm to find the number of permutations or combinations?

Permutations and combinations are two separate things. Although we often use them interchangeably in English, we need a more precise definition in mathematics, such that ABC and CBA are regarded as being two different permutations of the same combination. In other words, the order of the elements is important in a permutation but is completely irrelevant in a combination.First we have to define what it means to create a combination or permutation. Typically we have a set from which we must make a subset. The number of elements in the set is typically defined using the variable n while the number of elements in the subset is r. Thus we can formally define a permutation mathematically using the function P(n,r) and a combination as C(n,r).We must also consider whether elements may be repeated within a combination or a permutation. For instance, when selecting numbers for a lottery, no number may be repeated in any combination but in a 4-digit combination lock, any digit may be repeated in a permutation.Note that a combination lock is really a permutation lock in mathematics and is the perverse way of remembering the mathematical difference between a combination and a permutation.Thus we have 4 possible variations to cater for. In order of difficulty, they are:Permutations with repetitionPermutations without repetitionCombinations without repetitionCombinations with repetitionLet's deal with them one at a time.1. Permutations with repetitionTo calculate P(n,r) with repetitions, for every selection, r, there are always n possibilities, thus we have n^r permutations.In a 3-digit combination lock, each digit has ten possibilities, 0 through 9, so there are 10^3=10x10x10=1000 permutations. This stands to reason because the permutations form all of the numeric values from 000 through to 999, which is 1000 different values.In C, we can write this function as:unsigned long long permutations (unsigned long long n, unsigned long long r) {return pow(n,r); /* use standard library function */}2. Permutations without repetitionTo calculate P(n,r) without repetitions we must reduce the set by one element each time we make a selection. If we go back to our 3-digit combination lock, we have 10 choices for the first digit which leaves 9 choices for the next and 8 for the next. So instead of 10x10x10=1000 permutations we only have 10x9x8=720 permutations.Although fairly simple to work out in this case, we need a formula that is generalised to cater for all cases, just as n^r works for all permutations with repetitions.We can see that 10x9x8 is the initial product of 10! (factorial 10) which is 10x9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1. So we need a formula that ignores everything after the 8. The portion after the 8 is 7x6x5x4x3x2x1 which is 7! and we can calculate that from (n-r)!=(10-3)!=7!Having determined the portion we need to ignore, the rules of multiplication and division state that if we multiply by x and subsequently divide by x, then the two x's must cancel each other out. Thus we get:10!/7!=(10x9x8x7!)/7!=10x9x8=720Using formal notation, P(n,r) without repetition is therefore n!/(n-r)!In C, we must first write a function to calculate factorials:unsigned long long factorial (unsigned long long n) {return (n>1)?factorial(n-1):1; /* recursive function */}With that in place, we can now write a function to handle permutations without repetitions:unsigned long long permutations_norep (unsigned long long n, unsigned long long r) {return factorial(n)/factorial(n-r);}3. Combinations without repetitionC(n,r) without repetition is simply an extension of P(n,r) without repetition. Every combination of r has r! permutations, so if we divide P(n,r) by r! we will get C(n,r). Expressing this formally, C(n,r) without repetition is n!/((n-r)!r!)Going back to our 3-digits from 10, there are 10!/((10-3)!3!)=10!/(7!3!)=(10x9x8x7!)/(7!3!)=(10x9x8)/3!=720/6=120 combinations without repetition.Using the factorial function shown above, we can write a C function to handle combinations without repetition:unsigned long long combinations_norep (unsigned long long n, unsigned long long r) {return factorial(n)/(factorial(n-r)*factorial(r));}4. Combinations with repetitionCombinations with repetition is the hardest concept to wrap your head around.Going back to our 3-digits from 10, let's begin enumerating all the combinations so we can verify the answer at the end. We start by enumerating all those that combinations that begin with a 0:000, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 018, 019022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027, 028, 029033, 034, 035, 036, 037, 038, 039044, 045, 046, 047, 048, 049055, 056, 057, 058, 059066, 067, 068, 069077, 078, 079088, 089099Note that there is no 010 because it is a permutation of 001. Similarly with 021 which is a permutation of 012. As a result of this, each row has one less combination than the one above. Thus there are 10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1=55 combinations.If we now enumerate all those that begin with a 1, we see a similar pattern emerges:111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149155, 156, 157, 158, 159166, 167, 168, 169177, 178, 179188, 189199This time we have 9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1=45 combinations.Following the same logic, the next section must have 8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1=36 combinations, followed by 28, 21, 15, 10, 6, 3 and finally 1. Thus there are 220 combinations in total.The formula to work this out is quite complex, however it becomes simpler when we look at the problem in a different way. Suppose we have 10 boxes and each box holds at least 3 of the same digit. We can number these boxes 0 through 9 according to those digits. Let us also suppose that we can only move in one direction, from box 0 to box 9, and we must stop at every box along the way. This means we must make 9 transitions from one box to the next.While we along the row, we carry a tray with 3 slots. Whenever we stop at a box (including box 0 where we start from) we can either pick a number from the box or we can move onto the next box. if we pick a number, we place it in the first slot. We can then pick another or we can move on. When we have filled all the slots, we simply move on until we reach box 9. If we reach box 9 and still have slots available, we must pick as many 9s as we need to fill the remaining slots.It probably sounds far more complex than it really is. By imagining a selection being done this way we can create a convenient binary notation. For instance, if we say that 1 means pick a number and 0 means move onto the next box, the sequence 101010000000 would tell us we selected the combination 123 while the sequence 000000000111 tells us we selected 999. Every combination is therefore reduced to 12-bit value containing exactly three 1s and nine 0s, and it is these specific combinations we are actually looking for.C(n,r) with repetition is formally expressed as (r+n-1)!/(r!(n-1)!)If we plug in the actual numbers we find:=(3+10-1)!/(3!(10-1)!)=12!/(3!9!)=(12x11x10x9!)/(3!9!)=(12x11x10)/3!=1320/(3x2x1)=1320/6=220 combinations with repetition.This type of problem might be expressed in other ways. For example, how many different ways can we fill a box with 100 sweets from 30 different sweets. C(n,r) is C(30,100) thus we find:=(100+30-1)!/(100!(30-1)!)=129!/(100!29!)=(129x128x127x...x101x100!)/(100!29!)=(129x128x127x...x101)/29!=5.3302324527079900778691094496787e+59/8,841,761,993,739,701,954,543,616,000,000=60,284,731,216,266,553,294,577,246,880 combinations with repetition.In C we can use the following function in conjunction with the factorial function shown earlier:unsigned long long combinations (unsigned long long n, unsigned long long r) {return factorial(n+r-1)/(factorial(r)*factorial(n-1));}We might also have similar problems with an additional restriction. For instance, we might be asked to select 100 sweets from 30 different sweets selecting at least 1 of each type. This reduces the number of slots to 100-30=70 but we have the same number of transitions, so we get:=(70+30-1)!/(100!(30-1)!)=99!/(70!29!)=(99x98x97x...x71x70!)/(70!29!)=(99x98x97x...x71)/29!=7.7910971370578048745872324992773e+55/8,841,761,993,739,701,954,543,616,000,000=8,811,701,946,483,283,447,189,128 combinations with repetition.To accommodate this caveat, we can use the following function instead:unsigned long long combinations2 (unsigned long long n, unsigned long long r) {return factorial(n-1)/(factorial(r)*factorial(n-1));}