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The smell, the look, the feel and the content tell you whether or not you have quality compost. If proper procedure is followed, then compostable materials will break down into crumbly, dark brown, fresh smelling, nutrient rich organic material. The breakdown will occur if only compostable materials layered into a location that has adequate air, moisture and temperature levels and that allows for regular turning of the entire pile. In fact, the more often the turning takes place, the faster the breakdown takes place. Depending upon the size of the pile, quality compost may be available within a month to a year.

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13y ago

Worms make the best compost.


True, but the traditional compost heap may be too hot for worms (mine is about 160F when working) A mix of leaves and grassy materials/weeds/ vegetable peelings, when kept moist, and turned, will quickly break down to compost that can be added to your garden- where the worms will put the finishing touches on it. Avoid meats, add a touch of limestone from time to time, and be sure to turn the pile so that it gets air.

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Q: What conditions are needed to ensure that compost can be successfully made?
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Drills or screwdrivers, hoses, moisture and temperature gauges, rakes, shovels and watering cans are the supplies that are needed to compost. Metal, plastic or wood is needed if a compost bin is to be built instead of digging a compost pit or establishing a compost heap or pile. A container must be cooperative with supplemental watering and turning alternate layers of carbon- and nitrogen-rich recyclables and have bottom, side and top openings to facilitate aeration and prevent mildew and mold from forming.

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One can purchase a kitchen compost bin from any good department or hardware store such as Walmart or Lowes. Alternatively, one can purchase this from eBay if needed.

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Oxygen is the gas that is needed for a compost heap. A compost heap serves as an example of aerobic breakdown through the interactions of air, heat, light, and moisture with carbon- and nitrogen-rich organic materials being broken down by beneficial bacteria and fungi. Without air, the breakdown will become the anaerobic decomposition which occurs in landfills and which releases greenhouse gases.

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What things are needed to make a compost pit?

Compost is decomposed organic material. Compost is made with material such as leaves, shredded twigs, and kitchen scraps from plants.Compost is a great material for garden soil. This process involves four main components 1.Organic matter:Includes plant materials and some animal manures. 2.Moisture:Moisture is important to support the composting process. Compost should be comparable to the wetness of a wrung-out sponge. 3. Oxygen:Oxygen is needed to support the breakdown of plant material by bacteria. 4.Bacteria:Larger organisms including insects and earthworms are active composters