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Q: What materials are being used to replace copper telephone lines?
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What materials are being used to replace copper telephone and cable television lines?

Fiber optic cables, made from glass, are gradually being used to replace copper telephone and cable television lines. It will be some time before all the lines are fiber optic, however.

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What are conductors of elecricity?

Conductors are materials that allow the flow of electricty in a circuit. Examples are metals, the two most common used being copper and aluminum.

Who is the telephone being used by?

The telephone is being used by anyone from children and adults,

Does copper come from human being's?

Copper is extracted from minerals; but the body of a human being contain copper because copper is indispensable for the life.

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Why is copper used as a wired and copper chloride is not?

Copper chloride being a salt is not ductile.

What was roman money made of?

Throughout the centuries, the roman currency saw many changes. Gold, silver, brass and copper being the materials used. Their shape and minting changing frequently.

Three products that are manufactured because of malleability of their materials?

Malleability refers to a metal's quality of easily being shaped into something else without breaking. Some products that are manufactured because of the malleability of their materials are gold foil, aluminum beer cars and copper wire.

Why did the pennies stop being made of copper?

copper is too expensive and limited.

A material that current can pass through easily?

A material that passes current easily is called a conductor. The best conductors are metals.

What is the second best conductor of electricity?

At ordinary temperatures, the element that's the best conductor of electricity is silver, with the second best being copper. At very low temperatures, some materials become superconducting. Superconducting materials are all perfect conductors of electricity, with no resistance at all.