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The Invasion starring Nicole Kidman

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Q: What movie in 2007 or 2008 invloved a mother and her son trying to survive an alien invasion in which the aliens acted like humans?
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No, they cannot survive on Venus.The surface temperature on Venus is approx. 860 f ( 450 c ).and the aliens would kill us

Have any aliens or UFOs landed on earth?

It depends on what they need for survival. It is quite possible that aliens are similar to humans and therefore can survive on earth without assistance. It is believed that people-like aliens once live side by side with the atzecs.

Why don't aliens won't kill humans?

"Why wont aliens kill humans" ... Theyre afraid.

What do aliens dislike?

I think they're afraid of me and humans like me. They can't survive in our world because we're doubters and skeptics.

If aliens are real are humans just aliens to them?

'Aliens' are real. In any given country, a foreigner may be described as an Alien.

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Afghans are not aliens. They are humans just like everyone else.

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Aliens didn't build the pyramids, actual humans did that.

Do aliens eat humans?

No aliens are known to exist, so your question is unanswerable.

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How did humans get in contact with aliens?

Aliens are not known to actually exist, so your question is unanswerable.