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Q: What percent of people speak french in chad?
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What percentage of people speak french in chad?

Approximately 13% of the population in Chad speak French as either a first or second language.

Three countries outside of Europe that speak french?

haiti, chad, Canada

How do you say hello in chad?

The two official languages of Chad are French and Arabic. So you could say 'Bonjour' or 'As-salaam aleikum'. There are many other indigenous languages in Chad, such as Sara, but most people would understand the above.

Were in Africa do they speak french?

I don't know all the countries in Africa that speak French sorry, but i know 2. Those 2 are: Chad and Cote d' Ivoire (Ivory Coast).

Some countries that speak french as their national language?

Some countries with French as their national language include France, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, and several countries in Africa such as Senegal, Ivory Coast, and Madagascar.

Who are some African people who speak french?

Haiti Madagascar Senegal Cameroon Benin Chad Comoros Niger Rwanda Togo Republic of Congo Djibouti Mali Guinea

Is chad a french speaking country?

No, Chad is not a French-speaking country. The official languages of Chad are Arabic and French, with French being the language of administration and education.

Which countries speak french that take part in the Olympics?

France, Switzerland, Monaco, Senegal, Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso, etc.

What does Chad have in common with France?

Chad speaks french

Is lake Chad in French Africa?

Lake Chad is in Africa.

Hello in Chad Africa?

Most people in Chad speak a dialect of Chadian Arabic. The phrase for hello is pronounced "lale" and is an informal friendly greeting.

How many people in chad speak french?

Answer 1Since about 55% of the people of Chad are Muslim, it is safe to say that is the percentage that speak Arabic. But linguists have noted that the Arabic spoken in Chad is slightly different in pronunciation and slang from the Arabic spoken in some other Arab countries.Answer 2It is incorrect to claim that because a Chadian is a Muslim that he would speak Arabic. Arabs only count for 12% of the Chadian population and even fewer than that speak Chadian Arabic as a native language (7.5%). There are over 100 languages spoken in Chad and there is incredible linguistic diversity in both the Muslim and Non-Muslim populations. However, since Chadian Arabic is a lingua franca across the country, many Chadians can speak a few words of it in order to get their point across.