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Most of the C Corporations pay taxes and lots of taxes. It's just another media hype to say they don't. Remember, Corporations don't have exemptions, standard deductions, etc. like people do. The media likes to make noise about any credits given to business but business not only pays boatloads of taxes, but businesses provide jobs that run the economy.

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Q: What percentage of C Corporations actually pay corporate taxes?
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Corporate Law?

Corporate law refers to the rules and regulations that guide and bind corporations. It is used when corporations are being formed, managed and eventually sold or otherwise dissolved. Because corporations are entities that must pay taxes and can be sued, corporate law governs these types of actions.

What percentage of federal income taxes was paid by Corporations in 1950 and what do they pay today?


What percentage of federal revenues is made up of corporate taxes?

about 10 percent

What percentage of federal revenue is made up of corporate taxes?

about 10 percent

Do corporations have to pay federal and state income taxes?

Yes, if the state they operate in taxes corporate income. This depends on where they're incorporated or headquartered as well. Some state don't have a personal income tax, but do tax corporations (i.e. WA).

Where does welfare funding come from?

From the "little people" who work and pay taxes and actually pay more than the corporations (who can claim to be based in the Cayman Islands and pay $0 in US taxes) and a larger percentage of their incomes than hedge fund managers, whose taxes are capped at 15%. Instead of complaining about this disparity, the average American prefers to blame the poor and infirm instead of a bought and paid for US government of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations! (In the previous sentence feel free to substitute "rich" for corporations!

What segment of society actually pays corporate taxes?

Business enterprises.

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What percentage of US Taxes do corporations pay?

On average, corporations pay approximately 9-10% of total U.S. federal tax revenue. This percentage can vary depending on economic conditions, tax policies, and individual company performance.

Can the IRS levy a personal account because of a corporations tax debt?

For certain types of taxes yes. Payroll withholding, sales taxes, and all the other "trust fund" taxes - corporate officers and responsible parties are always personally responsible for.

How can a small business not have to pay corporate taxes?

The only way to avoid paying taxes is to change the laws that govern the tax code. You might qualify for exemptions and/or write-offs.

Which country in North Africa has no taxes?

Both Algeria and Morocco have no personal taxes. However, both North African countries have corporate taxes. Algeria has 19% corporate taxes and Morocco has 30% corporate taxes.