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There is no accurate way of knowing the answer to this.

Marijuana is just as addictive as tobacco, but medically in the long run has more harmful side effects.

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Q: What percentage of people who smoke marijuana every day become addicted?
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Related questions

How does body become addicted to marijuana?

The arguments for marijuana being physically addictive are very weak at best. The more probable explanation is that people can become psychologically addicted and think they need it. Unlike physical addiction, marijuana has no "come down" or withdrawal symptoms.

What do people do when their addicted to the nicotine in marijuana?

There is no nicotine in Marijuana, nicotine is in cigarettes.

What is in marijuana that makes people so addicted?

There is nothing in marijuana that makes you physically addicted to it. You can only be mentally addicted to it, but that also applies for about anything. Ex. Food, sex, videogames.

What are the reasons why people smoke?

Most people that take marijuana are teenagers aged 12-18 years. The main reason why they take marijuana is because of curiosity and eventually become addicted to it.

How people get addicted to marijuana?

People don't. It's a common misconception that someone may think they're addicted. A person with very low self will may use the excuse of being addicted, but it's a fact that Marijuana is non addictive.

Do most people get addicted to marijuana?

No, only weak people. It is only in the mind, you have the same chance as getting addicted to brushing your teeth or even sneezing.

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How can people tell that marijuana is addicted?

There is nothing in Marijuana that is addictive. In other products like cigarettes there is nicotine, but in marijuana there is no addictive properties. Also there is no withdrawals when you stop using marijuana.

How people are addicted to medicinal drugs?

It depends on the drug. For example medicinal marijuana can be addictive if it is overdosed.

Can you get addicted to i-doser?

It is impossible to become chemically dependent on it, but people may enjoy using it on a daily basis, but you can't become addicted.

Why do people not care when they become addicted to something?

Because they love the thing they are addicted to so much.

What percentage of people smoke marijuana in Germany?