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Q: What process caused the accumulation of sand that produced the sand dunes?
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What process caused the accumulation of sand that produced the sand dunes A. erosion B. physical weathering C. chemical weathering D. deposition?

D. deposition

Are dunes caused by winds?

Yes sand dunes are caused by winds

What erosion forms sand dunes?

Sand dunes are not formed by the process of erosion, they are formed by the process of aeolian deposition.

Was sand dunes formed by erosion or deposition?

sand dunes are caused by deposition . some people think its caused by erosion , but erosion is the braking down of land formations. sand dunes are caused by strong winds pushing sand grains into piles.

Landforms produced by the wind are called?

Landforms produced by wind are called dunes.

What is caused by a wave depositor?

sand dunes

What the differences between beaches and dunes?

dunes are formed by wind and the waves from the beach are caused by wind also.

What cause sand dunes?

Sand dunes are formed when sand is pushed by the wind into a very, very small mound.

How are dunes created by deposition?

Dunes are formed from aeolian deposition which consists of the wind picking up sediment, then blowing it, then dropping it. Dunes are an accumulation of sediment. More sediment is deposited on a dune as wind loses more energy when it hits it, thus depositing the sediment, growing the dune.

What are examples of the deposition process?

Sand dunes, for one

Are sand dunes caused by wave deposition?

Yes, sand dunes are loose sand carried and deposited by wind from one place to another.

How did the Stovepipe Dunes form?

Dunes are formed through the interaction of mountains and wind. The wind picks up quartz grains from the mountains in the area to form the dunes and these are reshaped by the same process over time.