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The Fujita scale. Sometimes it is called the "F-scale" as well.

The original scale rated tornadoes based on damage.

The scale ranges from F0 at the weakest to F5 at the strongest.

The new scale (as of 2007: Enhanced Fujita, or "EF" scale) rates according to damage. as well, but inspects damage in more detail.

The new scale ranges from EF0 at the weakest to EF5 at the strongest.

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Q: What scale is used to measure the violence of a tornado?
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Is there a scale that is used to measure the magnitude of a tornado?


What is a scale and how is it used?

A scale is used to measure things...I see you've tagged "tornadoes" so you may be referring to the Fugita Scale--which is used to measure the damage caused by a tornado.

What is used to measure the violence of a tornado?

The intensity of a tornado is usually judge based on an analysis of the damage, which is used to estimate wind speed.

Would you use a Richter scale to measure a tornado?

No. The Richter scale (since replaced by the Moment Magnitude scale) was used to measure earthquake intensity. The Fujita scale (now the Enhanced Fujita scale in the U.S.) is used to rate tornadoes.

What tools are used to measure tornado damage?

the fujita scale now called the enhanced fujita scale rates tornadoes in intensity

What kind of scale do people use to measure a tornado?

The Enhanced Fujita scale (EF0 to EF5) is used to rate tornadoes based on the severity of the damage they cause.

Does the fujita scale measure hurricanes intensity?

No. Hurricanes are classified on the Saffir-Simpson scale. The Fujita scale is used to rate tornadoes.

When is the fajita scale used?

the Fujita scale (not the fajita scale) is used to tell how powerful a tornado is.

What was used to measure tornadoes before the Fujita Scale?

Nothing, really. There was no metric in place to evaluate tornado damage. This is why it was such an important advancement.

What is the name of the scale used to measure the intensity of a tornado?

The most well, known scale is the Fujita scale, which runs from F0 to F5. In the U.s. it has been replaced by the Enhanced Fujita scale, which, similarly, runs from EF0 to EF5.

Why is the Fujita scale used to measure a tornado's destructive potential?

The Fujita scare does not measure a tornado's destructive potential, but rather the damage it has done. During the late 1960s there began to be talk of developing an intensity scale for rating tornadoes. Dr. Tetsuya Fujita developed such as scale in the years 1970-1971, partially for the purpose of assessing the threat tornadoes posed to nuclear power plants. The Fujita scale is useful in assessing tornado statistics and risk. Damage is used to rate tornadoes as, at the time, no tornado had ever had its winds measured. Even today, measurements are few and far between.

Is there a scale used to measure the intensity of a tornado?

Yes. It is called the Enhanced Fujita scale. By its parameters damage is used to estimate wind speed, which is in turn used to assign a rating ranging for EF0 for the weakest tornadoes to EF5 for the strongest.