

What should one with their teammates in volleyball?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What should one with their teammates in volleyball?
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Is volleyball fun?

Yes, very much! Yes, if you try very hard. Its not so much that its EASY, its fun if you really get into your sport. Yes, if you get good teammates and they are not short, sassy, or have absolutely no idea how to play volleyball.

How does volleyball rank in participation sports?

Volleyball is a sport you MUST play with your whole team. You need to have communication skills and physical skills as well. It is a VERY fun sport when playing with good teammates and have great communication skills.

Which volleyball skill should not be executed with one hand?

Passing, or setting

What do sports answer in terms of human needs?

Competition, sports also can provide teammates depending on which sport, and as teammates you should become like family.

Where can one find information regarding TeamMates mentoring programs?

The TeamMates mentoring program has a website which provides extensive information, including sections on the program's history and information on both teammates and members.

Is volleyball a good thing to have in middle schools?

Volleyball is a great thing to have in middle schools. First off, it is a fun and enjoyable sport, and in middles school it is rarely extremely competitve. Volleyball is a great sport because it involves team work, and you must build relationships with your teammates in order to succed which helps you make more friends and develop your social skills. Also, sports like volleyball provide a way to keep middle school students active and in shape. Volleyball is fun and enjoyable, and it is a great outlet for stress. All in all, middles schools should have volleyball as a team sport because it can only be beneficial, and it is a great way to make friends, be active, and have fun!

Where is the best place to bye volleyball equpment?

I bought my volleyball stuff at Sports Authority, but anywhere that has sports equipment should have volleyball stuff in volleyball season.

In service reception formation the one player who should not receive the ball is in a game of volleyball?

The setter.

What is is volleyball?

Volleyball is a sport played on a 30x30 gym, outside or a beach court with 6 players in a gym and 2 players on a beach. Invented by William G Morgan. Volleyball is played with 3 contacts called a pass (bump), set (volley) and a hit (spike). In order to be successful in this sport you need to be communicative with your teammates and you need to have good hand eye coordination.

Why are volleyball shorts so short?

Volleyball shorts are made short and stretchy to improve the mobility of players diving, moving amongst other teammates in close quarters, and in adjusting to the volleyball faster on court. Similarly, spandex shorts provides to the players the security and comfort when they tumble after diving for the ball. They also provide the benefit that the clothing does not touch or get hung up in the netting.

What hit should you use when the volleyball is coming towards you above your head in volleyball?


How long did volleyball last?

You should be a little clearer. Volleyball has lasted for a while though.