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Hopefully, they are solid, not loose. You can go through getting braces and having your permenant teeth pulled down, but you may not even have permenant ones.(adult teeth) And most insurance don't cover adult ortho. It is not uncommon to still have baby teeth. If they do get loose you may be able to have a bridge made to fill in the gaps.

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Q: What should you do if you're 25 and still have some of your baby teeth?
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Does a nine year old have any more baby teeth?

A nine year old should still have some baby teeth present.

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Get the teeth pulled

Will my three year old still get the right amount of adult teeth later if she only has eighteen right now?

She should have 20 baby teeth but she may be a late developer. The number of baby teeth doesn't have anything to do with the number of adult teeth.

Should 11 year old girls still be losing teeth?

it depends on the person. Like my friend was 10 when she lost all her baby teeth, but i think a 11 year old should not be losing baby teeth still like i said it depends on the person. Hope this helps!

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It is not uncommon for your children's permanent teeth to start coming in while baby teeth are still there. However, this can cause complications, so you should see your dentist to see if the baby teeth need to be removed.

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All puppies, no matter the breed lose their baby teeth from 3 to 4 months of age and they have generally lost all of them by the time they're 6 months old. If a puppy still has baby teeth by the time it's 10 months old (or older) it's said to have "retained baby teeth". This can lead to orthodontic and periodontic complications and should not be ignored. You should examine your puppy's mouth to check for retained baby teeth. If you find any a vet should examine your puppy. .

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It is unusual for a cat to still have baby teeth at the age of 1 year. At this point, the cat should be seen by a vet. If the food was not changed from kitten to adult food at nine months of age, this could play a factor in the delay of adult teeth replacing baby teeth.

Can you smoke after a baby tooth falls out?

you probebly shouldn't be smoking if you still have baby teeth......

How many visits before getting braces if you already had the mold stuff put on your teeth?

and what if you still have your canine baby teeth still in

How long can you break your teeth and still be able to fix it?

Dont worry about your teeth. You were born this way, baby.

Is it possible for a 15 year old to have baby teeth?

Actually, no it's not impossible. My friend is 15 and a half and she still has 2 baby teeth left.

Should you be worried if your nine month old baby still has no teeth?

No, some children cut their first tooth later than others.