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The temperature is usually in the 80s or 90s. So wear comfortable clothing for the tropics.

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Q: What should you wear if you were to go to the United States Virgin Islands?
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How many provences are there in United States of America?

None, the wording United States of America should give that away. There are 48 contiguous states and 2 extranneous states, as well as various territores, such as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

Does Virgin Islands extradite to us?

The Virgin Islands are a Territory of the United States of America and, as such, follows the same extradition procedures as any other U.S. State or Territory. The Virgin Islands has a local judicial system including a state-level Supreme Court. Appeals above the Supreme Court level can be made to the Federal District Court and from there, the normal process up to the U.S. Supreme Court. Foreign extradition is handled through the District Court System and the U.S. State Department. The Virgin Islands should not be confused with the British Virgin Islands which are part of the United Kingdom.

Do you need an international calling card to call America from the US Virgin Islands?

No, your U.S. calling card should work just fine from the US Virgin Islands.

How much is an all inclusive trip to Virgin Islands?

For pricing on all inclusive trips to the Virgin Islands you should try checking sites such as or Travelocity and Expedia. These sites should provide you with information on trip pricing.

Who governs the many territories of the US?

US territories - such as the US Virgin Islands and Guam, as opposed to the states of the union and the District of Columbia - are administered by the Department of the Interior. It sounds rather ironic that the Department of the Interior should administer lands which are basically exterior to US boundaries, but that goes back to the administration of territories within the United states before they were admitted as states.

Should the United States stay in the United Nation or Not?

yes the united states should

What 3 countries border the United States?

Russia, Canada and Mexico. Actually, only Canada and Mexico share a land border with the United States. If one includes nearby nations which border on territorial waters (12 miles from each country - in other words, no more than 25 miles or so apart over water), then Russia and The Bahamas should also be included. If one also include the various territories and possessions of the United States, then the following countries also share a water boundary: British Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic, Western Samoa, the Turk and Caicos Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

What beach should I go to in the United States?

There are a few websites that lists some great beaches in the US, including Maui, U.S. Virgin Islands, Hawaii, etc. This website also provides a map, so you can pick a beach that is at the most convenient location for you as well.

What is the money in North Dakota called?

The official term is USD (ISO 4217 code) which is the official currency for Panama, Ecuador, Caribbean Netherlands, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands and Bermuda. The dollar is the official currency of all of the US territories and in all 50 of the United States of which North Dakota is one. It is widely accepted in countries around the world as the American dollar should be.

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The United States should isolate itself from the hostilities and remain neutral.

What does the Federalist Party consensus on?

The United States should stay out of war in Europe.The United States should remain a democratic republic.

What reforms should be carried out in the United Nations?