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California's official state flower is the California Poppy. Though the foliage is golden, the flower is not known as the Golden Poppy.

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Q: What state has their state flower as the Golden Poppy?
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California state flower?

The California Poppy is the state flower of California.

What is califonia's state flower?

the golden poppy.

What is Californias flower?

Golden PoppyAnd that's it.

Is the California state flower a perennial?

no it is not a perennial it is a Golden Poppy

Why is California state flower called the golden poppy?

It is a golden color and CA is the "Golden state". When you see a field of the Golden poppy in bloom it just spreads out in a gold blanket of flowers.

How did California get the golden poppy as it's state flower?

it felt like it

Why is the poppy the state flower?

The poppy is a flower that grows all over the state and when it grows in the spring the Golden Poppy looks like a carpet of gold in the landscape. It really is a pretty wild growing flower. For a time the state tried to stop the growth and started killing it, but today it is back and just as wonderful in the early spring months. We are the "Golden State" after all and the poppy just adds to that name.

Why is the California poppy the state flower?

The poppy is a flower that grows all over the state and when it grows in the spring the Golden Poppy looks like a carpet of gold in the landscape. It really is a pretty wild growing flower. For a time the state tried to stop the growth and started killing it, but today it is back and just as wonderful in the early spring months. We are the "Golden State" after all and the poppy just adds to that name.

Why is the poppy California's state flower?

The poppy is a flower that grows all over the state and when it grows in the spring the Golden Poppy looks like a carpet of gold in the landscape. It really is a pretty wild growing flower. For a time the state tried to stop the growth and started killing it, but today it is back and just as wonderful in the early spring months. We are the "Golden State" after all and the poppy just adds to that name.

Where doe the California poppy reproduce?

The state flower, the Golden Poppy is everywhere in the state where there is enough water and soil. This time of year whole hillsides are a gold color with poppies.

What does a golden poppy look like?

a golden poppy has a light yellow color and is America's choosen flower ever known

What is the name of the California state flower?

Every state has its state symbol flower. Over 100 years ago on December 12th, 1890 the state of California voted to be represented by the California Golden Poppy.