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Q: What tissue is composed of long striated cells with multiple nuclei?
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A tissue composed of long striated cells with multiple nuclei is?

Skeletal Muscle

What muscle tissues has long fibers and nuclei on the surface?

Skeletal muscle tissue.

How would you identify the type of muscle tissue located on the prepared slide?

If it is spindle shaped, it is smooth (visceral) muscle tissue. If it is H or Y-shaped then it is cardiac muscle tissue. And, if it is rod shaped and has multiple nuclei, then it is skeletal muscle tissue. Another characteristic of both cardiac and muscle tissue is that it is striated with darker and lighter bands.

Which specific tissue contains long which specific tissue contains long cylindrical cells with striatiations?

Skeletal muscular tissue is composed of long, cylindrical, striated cells.

What tissue is composed of densely packed protein fibers that are running parallel and form a cord There are no striations but small nuclei are visible?

connective tissue

What is the striated muscle connected to the bones?

Skeletal muscle tissue is striated muscle tissue connected to bones.

What are the major tissue of the muscular system?

Smooth: Lacks striations, thicker in middle and tapers at the ends, associated with involuntary muscle movements eg intestines.Skeletal: Striated, long fibres, that have multiple nuclei around the plasma membrane, typically attach to bones.Cardiac: Striated, branched muscle fibres that make up the heart, are shorter than skeletal muscle fibres.

What type of muscle is striated?

Striated muscle tissue is muscle tissue that has repeating tubular muscle cells. Striated muscles include skeletal striated muscle, embryotic branchiomeric muscle, and cardiac muscle.

Approximately half of human body weight is composed of what kind of muscle tissue?

Approximately half of the human body weight is composed of skeletal muscle that is voluntarily controlled. It is also referred to as striated muscle.

What tissue is striated and involuntary?


What is voluntary muscle tissue?


What tissue has one nucleus?

Smooth muscle tissue has a single nucleus in each cell :)