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Well, if the tooth hurts only a little bit, try gargling warm water with a pinch of salt in it. If the tooth hurts unbearably, (like a canine), then you should buy tooth/gum cream and apply it.

If it is a canine, then it will hurt a lot while coming out (esp the bottom canines)

Hope I helped :)

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13y ago

Leave it alone and if it doesn't go back to normal in a week or two go see your dentist.

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14y ago

Well first just dont panic. try gettin a replacement teeth. like those fake ones. u wont tell the difference :)

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Q: What to do if your permanent tooth is loose?
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If your teeth are filed down do they grow again?

no sorry if your 5 and loose a tooth you will grow a permanent tooth

Will it hurt your child if you try to pull a stubborn tooth?

yes, of course, it will hurt, the tooth (baby) will fall out when it is ready if it is a permanent tooth and it is loose, then a dentist will have to remove it.

Why is there tooth?

there is know tooth fairy or santa or easter bunny kids . A tooth is for chewing food. Baby teeth fall out to make way for permanent teeth.

How long does it take the permanent tooth to grow after the baby one is pulled?

It depends on a number of factors. Was the baby tooth loose at the time? If so, the permanent tooth should begin erupting into the mouth within just a few days or weeks. If the baby tooth was not loose, it could take several months, depending on the state of development of the permanent tooth. After taking an x-ray of the area, a dentist could make a fairly accurate prediction of how long the permanent tooth will take to grow in. If the baby tooth was lost prematurely, a space maintainer might need to be placed to prevent future orthodontic or occlusion problems. Check with a dentist.

Is it normal for a 7 month old kitten to have a loose canine tooth?

sure, they lose their baby teeth same as dogs. if this is a permanent tooth, then no. see your vet

What do I do my son is 10 yrs old his 4th tooth on the top is loose is it a baby tooth or permanent?

It's a baby you should have nothing to worry about. It is coming out right on time.

Can you have a cavity if its a permanent tooth?

Yes, you can you can get a cavity in a baby tooth as well as a permanent tooth.

Can your top molar get lose and fall out?

most likely not if it is a adult, or permanent tooth, but it absolutely can if it is a baby tooth and is loose, but it probably wouldn't happen til u r 12, like me!

Is it rare to have a baby tooth as an adult?

not as much as you think. It actually happens quite often. when it does, you treat that tooth as a permanent tooth and fill cavities. You can even crown a baby tooth if there is no permanent tooth underneath it. If you have a permanent tooth under it, they usually extract the baby tooth.

How does the body heal after the loss of a permanent tooth?

If you loose a tooth that will not grow back it will just heal up over time like if you were to remove wisdom teeth, but it never hurts to ask your dentest

Sore gum and a wobbly tooth will the dentist give you a needle if you go?

If you are losing your baby teeth the dentist might just tell you to keep wiggling the loose tooth for it to come out completely. Your gum is sore because it is the only thing holding that tooth in. If it is a permanent tooth that is loose, it may need to be extracted or gum disease. In that case, yes a needle may be given.

Your six year old daughters left front tooth is loose but now the adult tooth is growing in behind it what has to be done in this situation?

SIX YEARS IS THE RIGHT TIME FOR YOUR CHILDS permanent incisor to erupt. To allow this eruption remove the loose front tooth yourself. The child can be convinced it is going to be painless and even she can do it herself.