

What to eat before surgery?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What to eat before surgery?
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It is advisable not to eat or drink for at least 5 to 6 hours before any surgery carried out under a general anaesthetic.

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As, your surgeon and especially your anesthesiologist what you can eat and how long before surgery you can eat. The danger is that your body is asleep and immobile during surgery, so you may choke on your stomach contents if you've eaten too much or eaten too soon before surgery.

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Your last meal before your gastric bypass surgery should be something that you love. You need to keep in mind that after your surgery you will be put on a special diet and you won't be able to eat the foods that you love for a long time. You should eat your favorite meal and enjoy every bit of it.

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They say before a surgery you are supposed to eat 10 bananas you should stop listening to stupid doctors who have no clue on what they are talking about.

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yes you can. Normally before surgery they tell you not to eat anything about 12 hours prior to that. Lip balm will not harm anything unless you eat it which obviously should not be done anyway as that is not the purpose of it.

Should dogs eat before getting neutered?

NO! It's a surgery and feeding or giving water can be dangeous. Consult your vet as to how long before surgery you should keep them for eatting and drinking.

How long before oral surgery must you go without eating?

8 hours before your surgery do not eat anything nothing or else vomiting will start and the Surgeon wont be very happy.

What should I do before and after my weight loss surgery to insure it's success?

Your diet will need to change both before and after surgery. Your doctor may recommend that you begin your pre-op diet atleast 2 months before the surgery. Your diet will continue after surgery as well. You will need to eat healthier foods and smaller amounts of food.

What kind of diet to take before and after bariatric?

Bariatric weight loss is surgery combined with education. Your doctor will teach you what to eat before your weightloss surgery. They will show you which foods are healthiest for you before your diet and how to keep eating healthy after your surgery. Most doctors offer a support group to help patients.

what foods can you eat on a diet before surgery?

Usual that is the case but ultimately it is the joint decision of your doctor and surgeon. It will be determined by how well you handle the surgery and any recovery time.

What dietary restrictions must an orchiectomy patient adhere to prior to surgery?

Patients should not eat or drink anything for the eight hours before the scheduled time of surgery.

what is a before surgery diet?

That is entirely dependent on the surgery. Some surgery will require you to eat nothing for a certain amount of time before going under, while others require no change in diet at all, but either way you should absolutely ask your doctor what needs to be done before hand as every case is different.