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Typically irregular galaxies have the oldest stars

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Q: What type of galaxy holds the oldest stars in the universe?
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Where are the oldest stars in the galaxy located?

The oldest stars in a galaxy are usually located towards the centre. Also known as the bulge.

What are the oldest types of stars in the universe?

The oldest stars are classified as population III stars [See related question]

What type of stars are the oldest in the universe?

The oldest stars are classified as population III stars [See related question]

What is the difference between universe and stars?

A galaxy contains billions of stars. A universe contains billions of galaxies.

How does the galaxy compare to the universe?

well the galaxy is something with stars in and the universe is a living environment i guess hope that helps!

How many stars out there?

trillions If our galaxy with 2*1011 (two hundred billion) stars is an average size galaxy. and there are as many galaxies in the Universe as there are stars in our galaxy, then there are possibly 4*1022 stars in the Universe. But that is just a guess. There are most certainly more than 1018 stars.

Where are the oldest elliptical stars located?

they are located in the middle of the galaxy

How is the age of the galaxy determined?

By analysing the oldest stars found.The older the star, the older the Galaxy.

What is the largest Solar system Universe Milky Way galaxy sun The Earth?

biggest to smallest : universe, galaxy, star/solar system, planet, moon. The Universe is everything that exists and a galaxy is a cluster of billions of stars and then planets rotate around stars and moons rotate around planets.

Which discovered galaxy has one of the oldest stars?

The Virgo Cluster. Possible.

Billions of stars in the same region of the universe ar called?

A "Galaxy"

Is it true Our galaxy contains many billions of universes and each universe contains many billions of stars.?

No. The universe contains billions of galaxies including our own, and each galaxy contains billions of stars.