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Q: What type of reporting method is used for HIV or AIDS case?
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What kind of virus is aids?

Type your answer here... retrovirus

What type of research method did freud commonly employ?

Hi everybody, Freud employed case studies and clinical observations.

Is aids funny?

If it is the AIDS which results from HIV infection, then no it isn't funny. If you are talking about some other type of aids such as comedian aids, then it may well be funny.

What type of virus is AIDS and HIV?

aids is an hiv: human immunodeficiency virus. and hiv is an std.

Can o blood type contract the aids virus?

Yes. No blood type is immune from the HIV virus.

Does Nick Jonas have AIDS?

Originally, you had "ads", so I'm guessing you meant "AIDS". If so, NO WAY!

Why method overloading is not possible by return type method?

A method can be used, and the return type discarded. For example, for a method that returns, say, an integer, instead of calling it like this: int x; x = MyMethod(1, 2); You can also call it like this: MyMethod(1, 2); That is, without using the return value. In such a case, if you were to have different methods with the same parameters but different return values, the compiler wouldn't know which version of the method to use.

Which type of cell is destroyed by the AIDS virus?

The T-cells inside of your immune system are destroyed by AIDS

How many types of AIDS is there?

To date, we know of two types of HIV, known as HIV-1 and HIV-2.

Can a certain blood type fight off aids faster than another?

I don't think any blood type could fight off AIDS.

What is imperative method?

this is thrid type of method