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What I refer to as, "Environmental, non-consideration" has been the basic theme of mankind excluding tribes like the Btsisi, San, American Indian for the past 200 or so years. In the times before industrialization, aboriginal tribes considered the environment, whereas we do not.

This is a form of anthropocentrism: anthropocentric ethical values lean to thinking humans are more important than the environment, nothing to do with anthropology. Or as more well known, environmental domination. Bacically the outcome of the anthropocentric viewpoint is to move environment out of the way for humankind.

(to answer your question) I refer to the times before the turn of the century as "Environmental non-consideration" because humans did not intentionally destroy the environment to get us where we are now. They just did not consider the environment. Whenever we do not consider a factor of an equation the result is a wrong answer. In this case our forefathers did not consider the environment, therefore we have reached a wrong (answer) relationship with it.

This is the case with any war. Humans take great care in their own survive-ability without consideration to the environment, as was the case with WW2.

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