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buffalo hides or other animal hides

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Q: What was the clothing made out of for the southwest Indians?
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What kind of clothing did the southwest Indians wear?

animal skins ,humans, and babys

What was the clothing that the Southwest Indians had and wore?

Southwest Indians wore clothing made from cotton, wool, or animal hides. They incorporated intricate patterns, bright colors, and decorative elements into their garments. Traditional clothing items included robes, tunics, moccasins, and headdresses.

What did the Southwest Indians do?

Southwest Indians were farmers and even dug ditches to collect water for all their crops. They were also artists and made pictures made of sand.

What was pottery made out of desert southwest Indians?

Southwest Indians used the same thing everyone uses to make pottery- clay.

What did the Southwest Indians make?

The Southwest Indians made a variety of products. Some of these include Kachina dolls, sand paintings, silver jewelry, as well as baskets.

Where do southwest Indians live in?

Southwest Indians live in southwest desert cultural region.

How did the zuni Indians make their clothing?

they made it on looms

Do do tribes make clothes?

yes indians made their clothing and they were a tribe (some indians)

What did the southwest and west Indians live in?

The southwest indians lived in wigwams

How did the Southwest Indians get around?

The Southwest indians got around by a conue

How did southwest Indians get around?

The Southwest indians got around by a conue

What is the southeast Indians clothing made of?

it was made out of mostly deer skin and bark