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Q: What was the communist section of Korea during the Korean war?
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Did South Korea want to be communist?

South Korea fought communist during Korean War.

Who was the US trying to help during the Korean war?

South Korea, as north Korea is a communist state.

What was the overall gaol of the US during the Korean war?

To unite Korea under the non-communist South Korean government.

What nations were allies of North Korea before and during the Korean War?

communist china and soviet union

During the Korean War which 3 countries wanted control of Korea?

Korea (backed by the capitalist west) China (backed by the communist east)

What was won and lost during the Korean War?

ROK (Republic of South Korea) defeated North Korea's attempt to conquer it. North Korean Communist aggression was stopped at the 38th parallel.

Communist section of Korea?

Used to be N. Korea

Who was at war in the Korean War?

The republic of South Korea backed by the US and communist North Korea backed by communist china.

Why are the Korea's separated?

because of the Korean war. north Korea was communist while south Korea was democratic.

What was the famous parallel tha divided Korea into a northern Communist and a southern Democracy during the Korean War?

parallel 38

Who allied with North Korea?

During the Korean War they were supported by China and the Soviet Union (the two major communist powers)

Who are North Korea allied with?

During the Korean war they were supported by China and the soviet union (the two major communist powers)