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Chattel slavery

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Q: What was the encomienda system in the Spanish colonies most similar to A mercantilism B Feudalism C a corporate colony D chattel slavery E enlightened absolutism?
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What is mercantilism all about?

Mercantilism is the theory and practise of political economy in Europe after the decline of feudalism, based on national policies of accumulating gold, establishing colonies and a merchant marine fleet, and developing industry and mining to attain a favourable balance of trade.

What are the causes of absolutism?

3 CAUSES support of the nobles beneath him. heavy taxes the growth of army's

What system of government was based on the exchange of the land for protection and service?


What are the characteristic of feudalism?

what is feudalism

What was the encomienda system based on?

The encomienda system was based on a Spanish colonial practice where Spanish conquistadors were granted control over indigenous peoples' labor and land in exchange for converting them to Christianity and providing protection. This system was exploitative and led to abuse and mistreatment of the indigenous populations.

Why did the age of the absolutism happen?

Absolutism began during the transition from feudalism to capitalism in the early 17th century. It came about through the concept of the "Divine Right of Kings" meaning that a Kings power came directly from God not from the people, so the ruler is not accountable to them. The monarch had control over every aspect of the government, they had 'absolute power'. Basically absoultism started because of the mindsets of people in the time period, the monarch was chosen by God thus they have the power to rule as they wish.

What are some examples of feudalism?

Feudalism is a bargain between a lord and his vassal. Feudalism is the bargain between a lord and his vassal.

Who created feudalism?

The Franks created feudalism

A political and military system based on the holding of land?

Feudalism Every sovereign state

Where did feudalism emerge?

Feudalism first emerged among the franks