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the first compass was made from wood

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Q: What was the first compass made out of?
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Related questions

What year was the first compass made?

the first compass was made in A.D. 1087

What was the compass made out of?

The first compass was made out of cork and a piece of metal.

Where was the first compass made?

the first compass was made in China around the Qing Dynasty's rule.

Who made the first compass?

a Chinese person

When was the first magnetic compass invented?

The magnetic compass is an old Chinese invention, first made in China. but the first was made in the Qin dynasty in 221-206 BC

What was the name of the person that made the first compass?

Zheng He

Who made the First European compass?

Robert j

What was the name of the first person who made the first compass?

I don't believe the actual name of the person is known considering how old the compass actually is. The magnetic compass is an old Chinese invention, first made in China during the Qin dynasty (221-206 B.C.)

What was the name of the person who made the first compass?

I don't believe the actual name of the person is known considering how old the compass actually is. The magnetic compass is an old Chinese invention, first made in China during the Qin dynasty (221-206 B.C.)

What came first Astrolabe Compass Scale mapsAerial photography?

atrolabe came first, the astrolabe was invented before the sextant, and the sextant was the model that made the compass

What came first compass or caravel?

the compass came first

What was the first model year for the Jeep Compass?

The first Jeep Compass vehicle was made in the 2007 model year. This means it was released late in 2006 to Jeep customers. It can still be found today.