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Q: What was the first space rocket called?
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Who made the first space rocket?

The people who made the first space rocket were called Werner Von Braun and Walter Riedel.

What was the first rocket to launch to space?

the first rocket was

What was the first unmanned rocket ship put into space?

The first unmanned rocket to fly in space was the Russian Sputnik.

How was the first rocket launged in space?

The first "rocket" successfully launched into space was actually a V-2 missile. The first rocket-ship that was successfully launched into space used rocket engines. A rocket engine pushes the rocket forward by expelling its exhaust in the opposite direction at a high speed.

What was the name of the rocket which propelled them into the space?

In 1969, the first rocket went to the moon. The name of the rocket that propelled them into space was the Saturn V rocket.

When was the first rocket to go into space?

It was a German rocket in 1944.

What year did the first rocket fly into space?

The first manned rocket was launched in 1961

Who invented first space rocket?


When was the first space rocket made?

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What was the name of Russia's rocket?

The first Russian rocket was called Sputnik. Sputnik was sent in to space in the year 1957 and returned within 92 days.

What was john glenn first space craft called?

Type your answer here... friendship 7 (Atlas Rocket)

Was a dog the first animal in space?

The first animals in space were fruit flies aboard a United States V2 rocket in 1947. (which are insects not animals) A Rhesus Monkey, called Albert II became the first monkey in space aboard another United States V2 rocket in 1949. The first dogs into space were Tsygan and Dezik aboard a Soviet rocket in 1951 - although not into orbit. The first dog into orbit was Laika aboard a Soviet Sputnik 2 rocket in 1957