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John Milton's Paradise Lost

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Q: What was the most influential prose work to come out of the seventeenth century?
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The most influential prose to come out of the seventeenth century?

The most influential prose work to come out of the seventeenth century was the translation of the Bible organized and sponsored by James I and known as the Authorized or King James Version (1611).

What country does the barbecue come from?

The word barbecue comes from American Spanish, barbacoa, from the mid-seventeenth century. The American word is thought to be of Carib origin, from Arawakan, now Haiti.The word in English, in its current form, was first recorded in the early 1930s.

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What century does the painting 'Guernica' come from?

It was painted in 1937 = 20th century.

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Philadelphia was founded by William Penn in the late seventeenth century. Its name is Latin for the City of Brotherly Love. The name is thought to come from the idea that, as a planned city, Philadelphia would be much more friendly and much more open than other large cities of its time.

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The beginning of the fifteen century.

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The year 1702 was the 18th century (1700-1799).

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No. Cubism 20th century, Rococo 18th century.

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19th century