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WWE Smackdown versus Raw is officially the least watched television show.

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Q: What was the most watched tv show on cable and by how many people?
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The most watched cable news service in America is Fox News. The second most watched cable news service in America is MSNBC. The third most watched cable news service is CNN.

What is the most watched show on cable television?

WWE Monday Night Raw

How many people watched Princess Protection program on premiere?

about 8.5 million people and it was the third most watched primire after camp rock and hsm2.

How many people watched the 2010 World Cup finals?

As it is the most popular watched game , just for a few figures for you. In the 2006 world cup 2.2 billion people watched the world cup, but in 2010 it is 3 billion people world wide.

About how many people watch soccer in the US?

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I disagree as i have not even watched Madagascar 3 and not many people have

Cutting the costs of Cable Bills?

Cable bills have continued to climb year after year in the United States, with the typical cable bill in the United States now approaching one hundred dollars. The first step in reducing your cable bill is to assess your television viewing habits. The reality for most consumers is that the majoirity of the channels that he/she is paying for are never watched by anyone in the family. Is it really necessary to pay for those channels when they are never watched? Most families can reduce their cable bill by simply eliminating cable packages with channels that are not being watched. Eliminating unwatched packages can reduce by as much as fifty percent the typical cost of a family's cable bill.

How many people watched Super Bowl 2011 worldwide?

Approximately 111 million just in the US. It currently holds the record for most-watched telecast ever in U.S. history.

Do more people watch WrestleMania than the super bowl?

Answer: No. The Super Bowl is constantly the most watched program of the year. Plus, the Super Bowl is on broadcast stations, while Wrestlemania is on digital cable.

Most watched sporting event ever?

Super Bowl 45 over 11 million people watched it

How many people watched the presidential debate?

70 million. It was the most watched Vice-Presidential debate in history. In fact, it had more viewers than any of the other 3 presidential debates.