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The most common method is using lubricants like vegetable oil, nonstick spray or Vaseline.

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Q: What ways can you do to minimize friction?
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When do participants in swmming maximize friction when do they minimize it?

you maximumize friction to train and when you compete you minimize it

What are the different ways the lassen or minimize the effect of friction?

By reducing the contact surface area of the object and by applying the lubricant between the two contact surfaces lassens or minimizes the effect of friction.

What are the 2 ways to minimize the friction on the boat?

the first way is to ensure that the boat is streamlined so that it cuts through water and airthe second is to have a keel if you are using a sailboat

Explain how will you minimize friction in your car?

You can minimize friction in your car (notably in the engine) by always using the lubricating oil and oil level that is recommended by the car manufacturer. Keeping grease points in good condition also helps to reduce friction and wear and tear on moving parts.

How are you able to minimize or maximize friction?

You can minimise friction by Decreasing surface area, making area smoother, lubricating it(eg. car parts) and the opposite to maximise friction.

Which force is responsible for wear and tear of machinery?

Friction is the main force that is responsible for the wear and tear of machinery, this is why mechanicalæparts are sometimesæoiled, to minimize the friction.

What are the ways to minimize erosion by gravity?

i love you

What are strategies to prevent or minimize stress?

There are various ways by which you could minimize the stress. Drink water, talk to close ones etc are some of the ways.

What game requires little or no friction?

Curling. A kettle is slid across the ice. Team members brush the ice in front of the kettle to minimize friction.

What is the meaning of 'lubrication'?

Lubricate means to oil or grease to provide smooth movement and minimize friction.

Why is it important to have the cartilage in the end of the bone?

So your back can be flexible. Think about how it moves.

What is the purpose of the lubrication system in an internal combustion engine?

minimize friction,wear and cool the engine