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Q: What were Patrick's contributions DURING the war other than saying give me liberty or give me death?
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What is the famous saying by Patrick Henry?

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Patrick Henry was a famous politician and orator, especially during the American Revolution. He led the opposition to the Stamp Act. He is famous for saying, "Give me liberty, or give me death."

How did the sons and daughters of liberty respond to new british laws?

bye saying good bye to them

Who said Where liberty is there is your country?

It is attributed to Benjamin Franklin, but there is no convincing record of him saying that and the quote is considered to be apocryphal.

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Please post a new and more specific question. ALL U.S. coins have the word Liberty on them and many older ones have a picture of Miss Liberty as well, so saying "Liberty coin" is a bit like asking what kind of car has tires and a windshield, LOL!

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Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence saying that we should be free and independent and have equal rights for our country.

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