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Q: What were the monarchs of ancient Egypt known as?
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Who were the rulers of ancient Egypt known as?

The rulers of Ancient Egypt were known as the Pharaohs.

What did ancient Egypt call their monarchs?

what were the kings of the ancients Egyptians called

Why was the great pyramid of Egypt is known as an ancient wonder?

The pyramid of Egypt is ancient wonder because it represents the country

Who was the leader in acient Egypt?

there were many leaders of ancient egypt, known as the pharaohs

The city of Alexandria in Ancient Egypt was known for having the world's largest what?

The city of Alexandria in Ancient Egypt was known for having the world's largest library and lighthouse.

What is the Middle Kingdom's nickname in Ancient Egypt?

It became known as Egypt's Golden Age.

What else is Egypt known for besides the pyramids and the sphinx?

Egypt is also known for its ancient civilization as well as the pyramids and the sphinx

What were Egypts kings known as?

Pharoahs were the rulers of ancient Egypt.

What is the period in Ancient Egypt that is most known for?

Cleopatra's period


a women who ruled in ancient Egypt known as a Pharoh

If you were to read a book on Egypt would you get information on Ancient Egypt also?

Most likely. Egypt is most known for it's ancient history. Modern Egypt isn't exactly a global-powerhouse.

What was the ancient kingdom of Napata known for?

i believe that it was known for it taking control of upper egypt