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The short answer is many things. Some types of inhalers can show up for 30 to 60 minutes; strong mouthwash sometimes for 10 minutes; and to a lesser degree dental adhesives and cleaners, and some industrial solvents. In some cases diabetics can even mess with results slightly.

The longer answer: Most of these only show errors with exceptionally abnormal levels of the interfering substance, the tests have come a long ways and modern technology isn't easily fooled. And people who use the devices are aware of the limitations and how to adjust to them. For example, in the case of an inhaler they would simply wait or do any of a dozen other methods for testing levels. None of these would even slightly cause error in a blood test for example.

Twenty or thirty years ago the tests were a bit more supportable to errors due to odd situations (or intentional tampering).

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Q: What will show up on Breathalyzer a besides alcohol?
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Alcohol isn't on drug urine tests but they can give you a separate breathalyzer, so just don't drink before your test.

What organ does not remove alcohol from the bloodstream?

Lungs do not remove alcohol from your bloodstream. When you drink alcohol, your lungs exhale about 5% of alcohol which is why any consumption of alcohol can be picked up on breathalyzer tests.

When using a mouthwash will it show up on a breathalyzer?

Yes absolutely. Unless a mouthwash specifically says 'no alcohol', most mouthwashes contain a large amount of alcohol. However, the effect of the alcohol in the mouthwash only last for a short time, unlikely to be long enough for a test to prove positive - unless you are actually using the mouthwash in the car.

If alcohol in mouthwash can make you fail a breathalizer or what about a inhailor from asthma?

Alcohol in mouthwash may cause you to fail a breathalyzer test because the residual alcohol remains in your mouth for up to 15 minutes after using. The breathalyzer will pick up this residual alcohol in your breath and not differentiate whether it came from mouthwash or beverages. You should never take a breathalyzer test within 15 minutes of taking mouthwash or an alcoholic beverage in order to let the residual mouth alcohol dissipate.Mouthwash can cause a positive result on an ETG test. Whether or not an asthma medication could do the same thing would depend on whether it contained alcohol, how often it was used, and when the test was give.

If your taking a drug test how will alcohol show up?

Alcohol will show up on your breath your attitude and in your blood if they take it

Will you pass a breathalyzer if an alcohol soaked tampon is inserted into your butt?

No, having a tampon inserted anally won't magically stop the breathalyzer from working.A tampon soaked with alcohol has no place in your anus, in fact tampons shouldn't go in your anus full-stop. Obviously putting a tampon up there is a waste of a tampon and a waste of the alcohol.

If you eat food cooked in alcohol or wine will it show up on a breathalyzer?

No. any food that you eat that has been cooked properly in alcohol will not be picked up by a breathalyzer. as said before, alcohol has an extremely low boiling point so the cooking burns it all away very easily. the food still has the taste of the drink but the actual ethanol isn't present.Actually all of the alcohol can never be cooked out completely. As much as 5% remains after 2 1/2 hours of cooking in a stew-like dish The evaporation of alcohol from a sauce is relative to the ratio of water to alcohol. The less volatile the alcohol becomes the less it will evaporate. This is the reason why high percentage spirits are required to flame, but as soon as the alcohol content drops the flame goes out leaving a rather high percentage of alcohol behind, just not enough to support a flame.

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How long would it take for one can of odouls to not show up on a breathalyzer do to the minimum amount of alcohol?

Theoretically, the amount of alcohol in a non-alcoholic beer (actually such beers must contain less than one-half of one percent alcohol) should be metabolized in fewer than ten minutes. Therefore, the consumer's breath should register for no alcohol on an alcohol breath test after that period of time has elapsed.