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i learned that golf balls have a little bit of weight, less than a bouncy ball witch makes them bounce higher.

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Would a frozen golf ball bounce higher than a hot golf ball?

No, the warmer golf ball would bounce higher.

Would a wooden ball bounce higher or a rubber ball bounce higher if dropped from the same height?

rubber ball

Why would a ball bounce higher from further up?

It has higher potential energy from higher up.

What bounces higher a golf ball or basketball?

If you were bouncing them both, a basketball would bounce higher.

Does a toy ball bounce higher than a homemade ball?

obviously but why would you ask that?

Would a basketball bounce higher than a soccerball if you drop them from the same height?


Type of ball bounce the highist a tennis baa or a basketball?

A tennis ball will bounce the highest because it is smaller. The smaller amount of mass that it has the more it will bounce and the higher it would get. For example, when you put air into a ball the more mass it builds up but, when the ball is flat it would not bounce.

Does a soccer ball bounce higher then a basketball?

Soccer balls. It would depend how high they came down from. As soccer balls are kicked high into the air, they probably bounce higher than basketballs which are just thrown.

What would be the impact if one has higher qualifications than needed How would it affect the overall project?

It should improve the overall project.

Does a tennis ball bounce higher when it is warmer or colder?

Hot. Personal experiments have shown that temperatures below 25°C make the ball bounce less. From 25°C and upwards there aren't any greater changes in height of bounce. The balls bounce almost the same.

Which ball bounces the highest out of a golf ball and basketball?

A golf ball would bounce higher than a basket ball.

Would a tennis ball bounce higher on grass or dirt?

Grass of course! Grass is more solid than dirt.