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The same thing that would happen to waves if there were no water on the planet

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Q: What would happened to skiing without friction?
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Without friction there would be?

NO friction

What would be like to climb a rope without friction?

Without friction - climbing a rope would be impossible !

How does the friction force help people in walking?

Without friction it would be impossible to stand, you would instantly fall down flat. Without friction it would be impossible to crawl. Without friction the only way it would be possible to move would be by using thruster jets, as they do on spaceships.

Is friction usefull in playgrounds?

Friction is fascinating because in so many situations we try to reduce friction, but friction is a necessary force, without which everything would be impossible. Without friction we would all be flat on the floor without any methods of directing our motion. We would randomly collide with things and then continuing moving in another direction. Without friction the slide at the playground would be really fast, but you could never climb the ladder to get on it. The swings would be useless since no one could get into them. So friction is necessary for playgrounds.

Would walking impossible without rolling friction?

Yes it would, thank God for rolling friction

What sports are friction useful and not useful for?

Friction is important for all sports.Without it it becomes really hard to accelerate or deaccelerate.For example a 100m sprinter.It would be great for him if there wasnt any air resistance (as long as he can breath).But he needs friction on the floor to push himself forward.however friction is less useful in hockey, skiing, and almost all types of boarding(snowboarding, wakeboarding, kneeboarding, sandboarding).

Why is skiing easy on snow?

because friction is strongest on the solidest substance, so it would be strongest on a solid, then a semisolid, then a liquid, then a is not so prevelent on snow thus gliding is easy an skiing too.

Do you need friction for typing on a keyboard . why?

Because without friction, it would not be successful when typing!

Jack is going skiing does he need high or low friction between his skis and the snow?

low friction

Why do you need friction on a surfboard?

Without friction, your feet would just slip right off.

What happens if there were no friction?

Without friction, objects would have no resistance, therefor loose no energy as a result. For example, without friction a ball could roll up and down a half-pipe continusily without loosing hight.

What would there be without friction?

it would be nearly impossible to stop cuz it is slippery