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I'm not sure of your question.

In the USA, most hot water heaters and furnaces are independent units. They can be either gas (methane) or electric powered. The hot water heaters are thermostatically controlled, and thus the water temperatures in the gas and electric water heaters would be essentially the same. The speed at heating the water depends on the HW heater design, but both gas and electric HW heaters would be similar in speed.

I've heard of combined Hot water heaters and furnaces in use in Russia, with the side effect of only having hot water in the winter.

Here in the USA, electric furnaces come in 2 varieties. Heat Pumps function somewhat like an air conditioning unit, and deal with heat differentials. In mild temperatures, they are more efficient than direct electric heating. However, the temperature increase is relatively moderate. It is likely they could only heat water to a "luke-warm" temperature.
Using conventional electric heating, the electric heating elements can become extremely hot. Think of your stove with temperatures in excess of 400 degrees F. However, the actual temperature of water would be dependent on the design.

I would encourage consulting the manufacturer of the device you are interested in with any device specific questions.

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Q: What would the water temperature be in a central heating unit if it was a model for electricity?
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