

What year was Just Listen by Sarah Dessen published?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What year was Just Listen by Sarah Dessen published?
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Is the book just listen by Sarah dessen a movie too?

No, the book "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen has not been made into a movie.

Is just listen by Sarah dessen based on a true story?

No, "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen is a work of fiction and is not based on a true story. The story and characters are all products of the author's imagination.

What is the point of view of just listen by Sarah Dessen?

First Person.(:

What is the meaning of the title 'just listen' by Sarah Dessen?

Just Listen was on the CD that Owen gave annabelle. The CD was blank.

How many pages does just listen have?

Just Listen is by Sarah Dessen. It is a teenage romance story. It has 400 pages.

How old is annabel in just listen?

Annabel is 17 years old in the novel "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen.

Literary devices in just listen by Sarah dessen?

"Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen features various literary devices such as symbolism (music as a way of communication and healing), imagery (descriptions of emotions and settings), and foreshadowing (hints of a dark secret from the protagonist's past). The novel also utilizes themes of self-discovery, forgiveness, and the power of honesty in relationships.

What is the atmosphere like in the novel just listen by Sarah dessen?

In "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen, the atmosphere is introspective and emotionally charged. The novel deals with difficult topics such as family dynamics, friendship, and overcoming trauma. There is a sense of vulnerability and authenticity in the characters' interactions, creating a raw and poignant atmosphere.

What is the first book of Sarah dessen?

The first book written by Sarah Dessen is "That Summer," published in 1996.

Who is the protagonist and the antagonist in just listen by Sarah Dessen?

In "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen, the protagonist is Annabel Greene, a high school student dealing with family issues and a traumatic event. The antagonist could be seen as her former friend Sophie, who plays a negative role in Annabel's life by betraying her and causing conflict.

Where is a hyperbole used in the book just listen?

In the book "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen, a hyperbole is used when the protagonist says "my heart stopped beating" to emphasize the intensity of her emotions in a particular moment.

Who is the intended audience for the book just listen by Sarah dessen?

The intended audience for "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen is primarily young adult readers, teenagers, and fans of the contemporary fiction genre. The themes, characters, and writing style in the book are tailored to resonate with teenage readers dealing with issues such as family dynamics, relationships, and personal growth.