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Not necessarily - it just means it is an American version of the game. The mark is the American age rating and in this case is E for Everyone. European age ratings are numbered and so a British copy of Pokemon will have a 3+ mark. In general it is very hard to tell if a game is fake from its picture - only when holding the gamebox and instruction manual can you tell by the quality and condition. If the cartridge is black (like most GBA cartridges) then it will definitely be fake as the GBA games have coloured cart cases (red/green/blue respectively).

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Q: When Pokemon emerald has an E on the game pak does that mean its fake?
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If you mean all the Pokemon in the entire game, that's a little hard to answer. Be more specific.

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no retard no need to be mean. you can import Pokemon from emerald to Pokemon diamond or pearl. if you wanna trade the to another GBA game using the DS, you can't.

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if you mean trade them back you can't because they are already on your game unfortunately Hope this helps

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I assume you mean pokemon FROM gold version, and that you want to trade them to your emerald version. You can't. Emerald is a generation three game whereas Gold is a generation two game. You can only trade Emerald with Ruby, Sapphire, Firered and Leafgreen. Pokemon Gold can only trade with Crystal, Silver, Red, Blue and Yellow. If you mean actual 'Gold' pokemon, then you're talking about shiny pokemon. You need to catch them in the wild (1/+8000, so have fun with that).

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You mean Minun And Plusle Right?ಠ_ಠThey're 3rd Generation Pokemon (Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald)

How do you get to the qonto region in Pokemon Emerald?

If you mean the kanto region, you can't in Pokemon emerald, you are stuck in hoenn.

Which Pokemon can you catch on emerald?

You can't possibly find all the Pokemon in emerald there are some you can't get like surskit. you can get most of the the hoenn Pokemon in emerald and some of the johto and kanto. But other than that you will need to trade the Pokemon over to you're current game.

What do the circles mean in Pokemon emerald?

The circles in Pokemon Emerald are a form of marking and naming the users ' Pokemon. It allows the user to differentiate between Pokemon.

What Pokemon can learn mean look in Pokemon emerald?

golbat can learn mean look

Where is hennon region in Pokemon emereld?

if you mean hoenn region, then that where the game emerald took place. You are playing IN the hoenn region.