

When baby guinea pigs die can you remove it right away?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Yes you need to.

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Q: When baby guinea pigs die can you remove it right away?
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When adult guinea pigs have baby guinea pigs do you touch them straight away?

No, you should not touch them right away. Wait for a few days (a week or so) and let them get use to their cage and their parents. Then pick them up.

Can you take a baby guinea pig away from there mum at 10days old?

You should keep the baby guinea pigs with their mothers until they are around 3-5 weeks!

Can baby guinea pigs have no hair?

I'm Laura and I own 14 guinea pigs and no a baby guinea pig cant have no hair baby guinea pigs get born with hair and everything (very unlike baby bunnies) so they can run and eat straight away when they are born they practically look like mini adults

How can you tell if its a baby guinea pig or a grown up?

Baby guinea pigs will usually fit right into the palm of your hand, and have quite large feet; adult guinea pigs are easily the size of a football.

Can you handle baby guinea pigs while they are nursing?

It will scare them but you can hold them. Also if away from the mom they will squeal loudly and they can be with the male and if you can hold a baby and the dad guinea pig together they will get along.

How do siblings guinea pigs react to baby guinea pigs?

Well you see i dont think you should put the babies with the father at first their is a good chance that he mistakes it for a nice carrot but the mother will clean it and natures instinks will be their right away

When baby guinea pigs are eating and drinking can they be taken away?

Baby guinea pigs can be taken away when they are any younger then 4 weeks old. The topic is debatable but after 4 weeks should be fine. Especially if it is eating and drinking on it's own.

How long before you can take a baby guinea pig away from the mom?

3 to 4 weeks old.

Should you take mother and baby's away from male guinea pig after birth?

No, the male wont harm them.

Guinea pig baby is distressed when taken away from mum is that normal she is 6 weeks old?

I wish i could help but my baby guinea pig didn't like its mum after 3 weeks because she was sick and died. . . .

Does the father have to stay away from his baby guinea pigs?

Yes,he should be separated from the mother as well as the babies because he can cause serious problems to the babies such as pregnant among baby Guinea Pigs,injuries,etc. When the babies are at two weeks old,you should distinguish between male and female baby Guinea Pigs and separate the male baby Guinea Pigs from the females.You can put the male babies with their father and the baby females with their mother.

How do baby guinea pigs drink?

baby guinea pigs will suckle mothers milk