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Q: When blood sugar levels are high the liver converts sugar to what chemicals?
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When blood glucose levels are low liver cells convert more glucose to glycogen?

The other way around. When blood glucose levels are low, the liver converts stored sugar, glycogen, into blood sugar, glucose. You can remember it this way: glyco-GEN GEN-nerates glucose.

What is the main regulator of blood cholestorol levels?

the liver.

Does the liver Maintains glucose levels in the blood?

By playing PS3

What hormones are released when your blood glucose levels fall too low?

When blood sugar levels are low the pancreas will secrete glucagon which will stimulate the liver to breakdown glycogen (our reserve sugar supply) and stimulate gluconeogenesis which is converting fats and proteins into glucose (blood sugar).

Name the two main organs that are involved in blood sugar levels?

The two main organs involved in blood sugar regulation are the pancreas and the liver. The pancreas produces insulin and glucagon, hormones that help regulate blood sugar levels, while the liver stores excess glucose and releases it as needed to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Tests for what chemicals will indicate that the liver is not functioning properly?

Tests that can indicate liver dysfunction include liver function tests (LFTs) such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), which measure liver enzyme levels. High levels of these enzymes can indicate liver damage. Other tests include bilirubin levels, which can indicate impaired liver function, and prothrombin time (PT), which measures the liver's ability to produce clotting factors.

The liver secretes what into the body?

the liver produces bile which is then stored in the gallbladder and the liver also releases glucose into the blood when the levels are low

High blood levels of a pigment released by the liver with bile?


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How liver excretes wastes?

the liver is the organ that cleans the blood of some waste products it carries.the waste products like medicines,food additives,harmful chemicals,and even microorganism are carried by the blood through liver.

What filters waste from the blood?

Liver. With the exception of the brain, the liver is one of the most complex organs in the body. It has over 500 functions, most of which are essential for sustaining life. The functions of the liver include: filtering toxins from the blood , producing important chemicals, such as proteins and hormones, producing blood-clotting agents that can help to prevent excessive bleeding, regulating cholesterol levels in the blood, helping to fight infection and disease, and storing energy for use when the body needs an immediate energy boost.