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Q: When do Turkey Vultures have their young after or before migrating north?
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Where does a black vulture live?

Turkey vultures live in north america. They are scary they eat dead meat.

Is the North Pole a migrating place?

yes, the north pole is a migrating place

Where do turkey vultures migrate?

Turkey Vulture HabitatThe turkey vulture lives throughout the Americas, from southern Canada to the tip of Cape Horn in South America, and is a permanent resident of the southern United States. They can be found in almost every habitat, from open fields to woods, wetlands to dry deserts. Most often, they are found in relatively open areas that have nearby woods for nesting. Turkey vultures generally avoid heavily forested areas.

Are there vultures in the arctic?

No, vultures don't live that far north.

Do black vultures live in the desert?

Yes, black vultures are found in the deserts of North America.

How vultures adapt to the desert?

Vultures eat the same thing in the desert that they eat everywhere else in the world. They are scavengers. They eat other animals that have died. Vultures soar around until they see a dead animal, then they swoop down and eat it.

You live in SW Connecticut and saw 2 large birds with black feathers and red crowns and heads They looked like somewhat like vultures They perched on a large rock for a while Any idea what they are?

They were probably turkey vultures. In summer, they are found as far north as southern Canada.

Can Vultures be found in a jungle?

Although they generally prefer wide open spaces, especially coastlines, deserts and plains, they can also live in a wide range of habitats. This DOES include tropical and temperate forests and grasslands. Turkey vultures are among the most common New World vultures in United States. They can also be found along the east and west coast of North Canada and Central South America.

Does the sun horizon migrate south or north in march?

The sun is "migrating" north is March.

Do vultures live in Virginia?

Vultures are found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica.

What does a vulture eat?

Sure do, if kitty is dead. The vulture has no pre-conceived notion that this animal had a 'name'.

What are the release dates for Desert Vultures - 1928?

Desert Vultures - 1928 was released on: USA: 17 March 1928 (Gastonia, North Carolina)