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More than 25% of people get engaged during the winter holiday season (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah), beyond that it is relatively random but affected by personal events, family traditions, and local holidays.

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Q: When do most people get engaged?
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Most of the Pakistanis belong to agriculture. According to the census of 2008 over 70% of the whole population is engaged with agriculture.

Why is watching other people get engaged so hard?

Some people find it hard because they would like to be engaged themselves or maybe they were interested in one of the people that got engaged themselves.

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Safety equipment is usually used by most people employed in construction and maintenance trades and activities, by people engaged in manufacturing, and by scientists and technicians engaged in research and development - especially when chemicals or energy sources are used.

Is kristsain Stewart engaded to Robert pattision?

Most people think the media put that out there but yes I think they really are engaged.

What is meant by engaged in other agriculutre products?

most people think ag is just farming and ranching and that's not true

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Why is agriculture important in India?

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Are Kristen Stewart and Robert pattionson engaged to each other?

People say they are engaged but that is not true.

What is the definition of the word engaged?

When two people are in a relationship and are soon to be married, they are engaged. Also, it means that something is in the ready position, such as the clutch of a car is engaged.