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Call the IRS 800-829-1040.

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Q: When is the last day to file taxes for refund of taxes paid?
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Why would a taxpayer file a tax return if not required to do so?

To claim a refund of taxes paid.

I paid taxes on 40000 . when i file my taxes will i get some back?

This could be possible BUT you will know the correct numbers until you have completed your 1040 federal income tax return to the last line where it says amount of refund.

Can homeless people get tax refunds?

If they paid taxes, they can file a tax return and, provided they are eligible, receive a tax refund.

Can you still get a federal tax refund if you didn't pay state tax the year prior?

You can file a federal tax return and get a refund regardless of the status of your state taxes. If you owe overdue taxes to the state and they have gotten around to it, the state can intercept your federal refund. So, your refund might go to paying your overdue state taxes instead of being sent to you. But unless you file a federal tax return, no refund will be generated and your state taxes will not be paid.

Can you get a tax refund if you receive social security benefits?

Yes, if you have paid taxes, or had taxes withheld for that tax year, you may be entitled to a refund. If you have not paid taxes for the year in question, you will not receive a refund.

Is your tax refund of last year taxed?

You do not pay taxes on a federal tax refund from the IRS unless they sent your refund late and paid you interest on the amount due to you. You would have received a 1099 from the IRS which shows the interest paid to you.

If you didn't make enough money to file tax's will I still get a tax refund check?

A tax refund is what you have already paid to the government minus what you actually owed. If you did not pay taxes, there is no money there.

What if your son is 17 years old and had earned 5000 during 2009 Does he have to file a tax return?

He is not required to file a return at that income level but if any taxes were withheld, he should file so that the gets a refund of the taxes he paid in for federal and state withholding.

If I paid taxes and didn't get a refund will I get a stimulus check?

As far as I can tell, the stimulus check is more about the taxes you paid. The amount you would get is calculated on the amount of income and taxes you paid.

Can unemployed mom get tax refund?

Unless you paid federal and state taxes you cannot get a refund. Many people make the mistake of thinking they can file taxes simply to get the earned income credit. They are wrong. It is called the earned income credit because they earned an income. So unless you worked at some point over the prior year you cannot get the earned income credit. And unless you paid taxes in then you have nothing to file or claim.

Can you receive your tax refund if you didn't file the previous year?

It is not possible to get refund unless we file the income tax returns. When we file returns it will check with OLTAS and generate refund if paid excess

Do you have to file taxes if you made 7000 in Illinois?

file it dam you will get all that you paid in to federal and yes you have to file your taxes period