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Yes. Although "near death" experiences do sometimes occur, there has been no report of a person who has actually died (brain death) communicating with the "other side", so studies are necessarily limited to those who have suffered traumatic near-death experiences, without actually dying. Various conditions, such as oxygen deprivation or reduced blood flow, can also induce similar experiences. Even when a person thinks he is about to die, he can have similar experiences, although there is only the anticipation of imminent death (Depersonalization in Response to Life-threatening Danger, by Russell Noyes Jr and Roy Klette).

The experiences reported by those who have suffered near-death are found to be inevitably coloured by the sociocultural context of the patient (Experiences Near Death: Beyond Medicine and Religion, by Allan Kellehear). This suggests that the Christian afterlife is experienced by Christians, but the Hindu afterlife is experienced by Hindus. As far as the patient is concerned, the vision is absolutely real, and often results in a subsequent lifetime commitment to religion, whatever that religion is.

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Q: When other cultures have near death experiences do they claim to see their god as Christians claim to have seen Jesus Christ?
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