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Most women start to feel the baby move around 13 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. If a person is very thin, they may feel it before.

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Q: When pregnant can you feel the baby move at 12 weeks?
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Can you feel the first fetal movement for your seconch child at 11 weeks pregnant?

I believe so. I am ten weeks pregnant and just started feeling my baby move!

Is it possible 2 feel your baby move a one month?

No; one month is 4 weeks, it's an embryo & only a few centimeters long. Most people do not feel their baby move until 18-22 weeks pregnant.

How often should you feel your baby move at 27 weeks pregnant?

At least 10 kicks or movements per day.

I'm 16 weeks pregnant and i have never felt my baby kick. is this normal?

I think its perfectly normal, im 19 weeks pregnant and was panicking because i hadnt felt the baby move yet, but about two nights ago it did move. I also heard that it can take up to 26 weeks until you feel your baby move, so dont panic yet.

Can you see or feel your belly move at 3 weeks pregnant?

It will feel completely normal. At 3 weeks past conception (which doctors call 5 weeks pregnant) your baby will be 1mm long. There will be no changes in your body that you can see or feel. In a couple of weeks, a trained doctor will be able to feel a change in your uterus, but you will probably not be able to feel it.

Can you feel the baby kick at 11 weeks?

No. Sometime between 16 and 22 weeks, you'll start to feel your baby move.

Can you feel your baby move at 12 weeks?

The average time to be able to begin to feel a baby move is around 20 weeks. It is highly possible though for some women to feel the baby move as early as 12 weeks, especially if they are very thin or if it isn't the woman's first pregnancy.

Is possible for a going 3 months old baby in the womb not yet moving?

I'm 15 weeks pregnant. And i haven't feel him/her move yet. I'm so excited to feel him/her. Anyways i think you should feel your baby move by 4 to 5 months. ^^

When your pregnant how many moths will you be able to feel it move?

4 months and u can feel the baby move

How early can you feel your baby kick if you have a tilted uterus?

Sometime between 16 and 22 weeks, you'll start to feel your baby move.

How can you feel your baby move at six weeks?

Actually at six weeks pregnant you cannot feel any movements at all by my knowledge. You may think it's the baby but it may be gas or other things going on with you. Fetal movements can be felt at 20 weeks or more i believe. Google it but i am sure you can't feel movements that soon.

Will the mother feel the baby move at approximately primigravida or multigravida?

In primigravida, the baby will have its quickening at 20th weeks but for multigravida its earlier,at 18th weeks you can already feel the baby moving.