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It is a chemical property because the water physically does not change but the chemicals within it do change.

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Q: When something changes colour when mixed with water is it a physical or chemical property?
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When water changes into ice is it a physical or chemical property?

It is a physical CHANGE, not property. A property of matter is something like inertia.

Is colorless a chemical or physical property?

Its a chemical property because the substance has changed into another

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An objects ability to burn is a chemical property. When you burn something you do not start the fire by changing its appearance so it is a chemical property. Anything that is a physical property is something that changes a substances appearance. A chemical property changes the actual substance.

Is decompositon a chemical property?

A physical property is part of the make up of something that has a physical mass. No decomposing is not a physical property but rather both a physical change and a chemical change hence changing the chemical properties . The physical change is when the mass changes due to the brake down of the chemical and physical properties.

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It's so physical ! Because is a property indepedent of chemical changes.

Is flammable a chemical properties or physical property?

Flammability is a chemical property because when you burn something there is a chemical reaction, therefore a chemical change will occur.

How can you tell the difference between physical and chemical properties?

You can tell the difference by knowing that a physical property changes shape and that a chemical property changes the substance.

Is luster a chemical or physical?

Lustre is a physical property, because... Look up a few definitions of "chemical property." In every one you will find that it involves chemical reactions, or changes in the identity of a substance. Lustre (shininess) is a property that can be observed without any chemical changes to the substance, so it can't be a chemical property.

Is sugar that changes into alcohol a chemical or physical property?

It is a chemical change

Is density a chemical property or a chemical property?

Density is classified as a physical property because the density of a substance can change when the substance changes state. Example: When water evaporates it is a physical change and the density changes. A chemical property is a property that describes its ability to react chemically with other substances and THEREFORE density is not a chemical property.

Is poor conductor of electricity chemical or physical property?

It is a physical property. Changes that occur in a material without changing the identity of the material are physical changes.

How is a chemical property different from a physical property?

Chemical properties describe how a substance will undergo chemical reactions and with what. Chemical changes are when one or more substances change to some other substance or substances.