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Q: When you select data in a table what appears?
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What clause of the select statement names the table that contains the data to be retrieved?

The FROM clause names the table that contains the data to be retrieved in a SELECT statement.

how to select data range for excel formular correctly?

Select the data range by column headers Convert data set to a table and go ahead with "table name" Fixing data table with $ mark Keep one identical sheet for each table

How do you create a data table containing the required set of results?

Select the range of cells for that data table, referencecolumn and row input cells, and create the data table.

How do you data insert into table using select clause?

insert into <tablename1> select * from <tablename2>

Sql command to retrive all data froma table?

The SQL command that can be used to retrieve all data from a table is the SELECT Ex: Let us say we have a table called employee_master which contains 3 columns emp_name, emp_number, date_of_joining you can retrieve all the data by using the below command SELECT * FROM employee_master or SELECT emp_name, emp_number, date_of_joining FROM employee_master

What data type appears as cheeking box in a table?


What is the basic form of a SQL statement to read data out of a table?

select * from Table 1.SELECT col1,col2,... from Tablename 2.SELECT col1,col2,...from Tablename WHERE condition

How do you retrieve data from table in sql by selecting month?

select * from "table-name" where month="required month";

What is the difference between select into and createview command?

The SELECT INTO command creates a new table with data from an existing table whereas the CREATE VIEW command creates a view i.e., a virtual table from an existing table.

What displays a subset of data from a table based on the criteria specified?

a select query

What is the name of a statement written to retrieve specific data from a table?

The name of a statement written to retrieve specific data from a table is a SQL SELECT statement.

Do you have a table without rows?

You can have a table without rows. It would be an empty table with no data. select (*)count from TABLENAME; 0 rows returned.