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There are several places one can find advice on how to make compost. Tutorials can be found online at sites such as Garden Organic or Earth Easy. One can also go to the library and find books on how to make compost.

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Q: Where can one find advice on how to make compost?
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Someone can find out how to build a compost pile on the website Ehow. Also one can try the websites Ask, Yahoo Answers, and wiki.answers to see how to build a compost pile.

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2000 lbs.

Where can one find compost worms?

One does not need to find compost worms, to add to their compost. One can just attract them by adding some simple materials to the compost. First spread a layer of coffee grounds at the bottom of your compost heap, this attracts the worms. Then lay soaked, torn cardboard in the bottom of the compost heap on the top of the coffee grounds. Then add a small pile of manure, or stale bread to act as a worm magnet. Finally moisten the compost heap with a spray horse.

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