

Where can you download the movie prince Caspian from?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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you don't. its illegal to download

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Q: Where can you download the movie prince Caspian from?
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Who plays Prince Caspian in the Prince Caspian movie?

Ben Barnes.

When was the Narnia movie Prince Caspian made?

Prince Caspian the epic movie was made in 2008

What is the name of the prince in the Narnia movie?

Prince Caspian features in both the movie "Prince Caspian" and "Voyage of the Dawn Treader".

Who played prince Caspian?

The actor that plays Prince Caspian in the second Narnia film is Ben Barnes.Ben Barnes returens to the film set as Prince Caspian in the 3rd Narnia film The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

What is the second movie to Chronicles of Narnia?

The second movie in the Chronicles of Narnia series is "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian," which was released in 2008. It follows the Pevensie siblings as they return to Narnia to help Prince Caspian reclaim his rightful place as the king of Narnia.

Did Prince Caspian like kissing Susan?

In the book "Prince Caspian" by C.S. Lewis, there is no indication that Prince Caspian and Susan kissed. Their relationship is depicted more as a friendship and alliance in the battle against King Miraz.

Where can you get a Prince Caspian audition?

You can't audition for prince Caspian because the movie is already out. I would suggest you try for Voyage of the Dawn Treader, but the movie is already finished. There might be a movie for the Silver Chair, so you can try for that.

Is there a character in Prince Caspian named Badger?

No, there is no character named Badger in "Prince Caspian." The main characters in the book are Prince Caspian, the Pevensie siblings, Aslan, and Reepicheep, among others.

Are Susan Pevensie and Prince Caspian related?

No, Susan Pevensie and Prince Caspian are not related. Susan is one of the Pevensie siblings from "The Chronicles of Narnia" series, while Prince Caspian is a Telmarine prince who becomes king in "Prince Caspian," the second book in the series.

What kind of book was Prince Caspian in?

Prince Caspian was in the book, Prince Caspian, and The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader.The type of book, or genre, which featured Prince Caspian was fantasy. Prince Caspian was in two of the Chronicles of Narnia, which are all classified as fantasy.

Did Caspian like kissing Susan in Prince Caspian the movie?

I'm not sure many of us are mind-readers, but I would imagine not.

What time was it in the movie prince Caspian?

The time setting in Prince Caspian is 100 Narnian years later than Tye Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and 1 year has passed in England.