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George and Lennie are two very different men who are searching for a job and when they finally find one it is at a ranch with other workers. They don't really have specific individual jobs, they do what they are told as the day goes on. Also for the characters Lennie and George are total opposites, Lennie is mentally ill and he never knows what is going on around him. While on the other hand George is a very Intelligent person and doesn't need anyone to depend on but himself. He promised aunt Clara that he would take care of a Lennie.

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George and Lennie work as ranch hands, moving from one ranch to another in California during the Great Depression. Their job involves physical labor, such as bucking barley, stacking grain sacks, and other tasks needed on the ranch.

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What does the boss suspect George of doing Lennie what makes him think this?

The boss suspects George of taking advantage of Lennie for his work and possibly withholding his wages. This suspicion arises from seeing Lennie's reliance on George for direction and protection, leading to the assumption that George may be exploiting Lennie's labor for personal gain.

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Candy greeted George and Lennie at the bunkhouse when they arrived on the ranch where they were hired to work. He was an old swamper who cleaned the bunkhouse.

How does John Steinbeck establish right away how Lennie is dependent on george?

John Steinbeck establishes Lennie's dependency on George by showing Lennie constantly seeking reassurance and guidance from George, as well as relying on him to make decisions and provide for their basic needs, such as finding work and shelter. Lennie's limited mental capacity also makes him vulnerable and in need of George's care and protection.

What assumotions does the boss make as to wy george and Lennie travel together?

The boss assumes that George is taking care of Lennie because Lennie is not capable of taking care of himself due to his mental disability. He may also assume that George is taking advantage of Lennie in some way by having him work with him.