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See for example Deuteronomy 26:17-18, and 32:21.

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Q: Where in the Bible did God say I will treat you the way you treat Me?
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How do you treat a Bible?

Let's just say if there was a fire in my home the bible would be one of the first things i would grab. To me it is just like having the lord sitting in my house teaching me personally. It is the living word of god and a map for the way we should live.

What does the Bible say about say about belly dancing?

The Bible acknowledge that we can dance in a way that doesn't tempt others, doesn't tempt ourselves and brings glory to God.

Where in the Bible does it say what you want it to say?

Burger King's motto is: "Have it your way" The Bible is not Burger King. It is replete with laws and responsibilities. If your inference relates to what you personally want the Bible to say, there is no reference. Yet there are cults-- Agnosticism, Atheism, Evolutionism, Humanism, Materialism, and Secularism that may satisfy your desire for autonomy. Bottom-line-- The purpose of the Bible is to reveal the whole counsel of God to man, both what we are to believe concerning God and what God requires of us.

In what way does god ask us to care for our world?

To be Nice to Animals and treat nature the way you treat yourself :D

Explain how belief in God might affect the way a person treats the natural world?

The Bible says we are supposed to be good stewerds of the earth. So if you truly believe in God and obey His Word, then you would treat it with great care.

How can the Bible help Christian's to come closer to the Bible?

The Bible can help anyone and everyone in any way possible. They can find answers to any questions they have about God. The Bible tells you how to get close to God, how to make Heaven, and what to do with your life. The Bible is the word of God.

How can you communicate with god without a bible?

By prayer. A Bible is just a one-way communications tool. It is God's word directed to its readers.

Does the bible say follow you for you are the way?


How do you trick or treat in apartment?

just say trick or treat in a nice way

What lesson can you learn in the Bible?

From the Holy Bible, you can learn to love God, repent, be forgiven through our messiah Yeshua(Jesus) Christ. Love God, love your neighbor, try to find God's will for your life, forgive others so that you can be forgiven, don't judge or condemn others so that you are not judged or condemned. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Is the Bible or children's literature the best way to learn faith?

Faith in what? If you mean faith in God, then the Bible is the best way. The Bible reveals to us who God is, His character His attributes, what He is like, how He has dealt with mankind throughout history etc. By seeing who God is we can then begin to have faith in Him

Where does it talk about extraterrestrials as God's creations in the Bible?

Nowhere in the Bible are extraterrestrials mentioned in any way.